the ultimate fish burger

Monday again already – I can’t believe it – where on earth did the weekend go? And not just Monday – it’s almost Easter!!! Before you know it we’ll be getting stuck into big slow-cooked stews and hearty soups, but before that happens, and while there is still just enough warmth to eat dinner outside, I’m going to make the most of a few fab recipes like this one for the Ultimate Fish Burger. I realise that is a bold statement, but seriously, for me this is the perfect fish burger – loads of vibrant, herby, fresh yet creamy tartare-style mayo topped with crunchy but still moist inside fish, loaded with crispy bright slaw – yum!!!!! There are so many wonderful flavours and textures here – it really is delicious. When I was a lot younger, a favourite hangover meal (yeah I know), was a McDonalds fish burger – admittedly I was young and stupid, but in my defence, I have progressed since then. This has the same crazy feel-good factor, but in a much more home-made fresh style – the tartare mayo belts out flavour with lemon, capers, gherkins and parsley with a hint of mustard. The fish (I used terakihi), has a great crunch from the panko/flour crumb and the slaw really comes alive with the addition of radish and celery – seriously good.

Crikey – I feel like I was bit slow getting this up on the blog today, having arrived back from a weekend in Wellington yesterday. It was a super quick trip to visit Rich and go to an amazing jazz concert with my Dad and his lovely partner Keiko. The first night Hoob was full of beans and we had a good ole catch up over a few drinks and nibbles at the Library Bar. The next day (as you do) I took him for a big brunch ‘feed’ and then we all met up with Dad and friends in the evening to listen to jazz. Poor old Rich was feeling crappy by then and sat stifling coughs and stretching achey legs throughout the concert – so next morning I was up early and off to the supermarket stocking up on lemons, Manuka honey, vitamins etc etc which I schlepped up the (inevitable) hill to his hall of residence. Anyhoo, by lunchtime I was at the airport, then spent the afternoon collecting dogs, going to the supermarket and doing washing until I collapsed in a heap last night. But here I am! It’s Monday! Stuff to do! Better get to it, and in the meantime, let me know if you give these fish burgers a whirl, I know you’re going to love them 🙂

Fish :
2/3 cup plain flour
2 cups panko crumbs
850g firm white fish,  cut into roughly 12cm x 4cm pieces
2 eggs, whisked

¼ cup high heat cooking oil (such as rice bran oil).

Mix flour and panko crumbs in a shallow dish. Dip fish pieces into egg, then coat well in crumb mixture. Lay in a single layer on a plate and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until ready to use, up to 2 hours in advance.

Tartare-style Mayo:
1 ½ cups good quality egg mayonnaise
finely grated zest of 1 lemon
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
3 large gherkins, finely chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons chopped capers

1 teaspoon mild American mustard

Mix all ingredients together and keep in a sealed container in the fridge. Can be prepared the day before.

1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon good quality egg mayonnaise
1 tsp sugar
sea salt and black pepper to taste
¼ large cabbage (or ½ an iceberg lettuce), finely sliced
½ red onion, finely sliced
1 stick celery, finely sliced

2 radishes, finely sliced

Whisk oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, sugar, salt and pepper in a large bowl. Add shredded vegetables and toss to combine.

To serve: 6 brioche or soft buns, halved

Heat oven to grill and lay buns cut side up on a baking tray. Heat half of the oil in a large frying pan and cook fish in batches (add remaining oil for second batch) over a medium high heat for 2-3 minutes each side until golden and cooked through. Drain on paper towels while grilling the buns. Either invite guests to construct their own, or plate up the burgers. Spoon 2 tablespoons of mayo onto each burger base, top with fish and slaw. Top with a little more mayo on the cut side of the burger ‘lid’ to serve. Serves 6


  1. Oh wow, dass hört sich nicht nur super an sondern sieht auch noch GROßARTIG an!
    Auch wenn ich schon 20 Jahre vegan leben muss ich das leider gestehen.
    Ihre Fotografie ist wie immer bezaubernd!
    Liebe Grüße sendet ihnen Jesse Gabriel aus Berlin

    1. Hi Shannon – I usually ke them with tarakihi but any medium firm, moist white fish would be great 🙂

  2. I made these burgers a few weeks ago and they were AMAZING!!! Thanks for posting such a great recipe. Am off to the shops for fish to make them again tonight : )

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