super-green pizzas with zucchini, mozzarella, broccoli, watercress, rocket & avocado

I am sitting here in a wee satisfied glow having just finished a shoot for the Wine Friend company (such a good idea, they deliver wine that suits your taste so that you get introduced to new wines via their recommendations, without buying duds), and not only do I love the shots (hurrah!), but I didn’t spill a drop (see a few posts back for my last wine spilling drama…). Not only that but it’s Fridaaaaay tomorrow (now today – even better), so just ‘yay’ anyway, and after three weekends in a row of being away, I am at home this weekend. Drinks with girlfriends Friday – excellent. Saturday, big walk and (long overdue) garden tidy up and house clean, then friends for dinner…oooh feeling like some kind of autumnal loveliness – possibly a porcini-rich mushroom pasta dish or pumpkin, kumara and pancetta risotto 🙂 Sunday is all about taking it easy, so I’m thinking a big walk then reading my book with a chilled afternoon!As you may know we are total pizza fans in our house, and usually head straight for toppings such as prosciutto and mozzarella or smoked salmon and capers – but given that I am flying solo at the moment, I’m going to ask my vegetarian big-sister over on Sunday night to share this totally green version – my new absolute favourite. Surprisingly packed with flavour it’s really ‘naughty and nice’ with a crispy, cheesy base that gives way to sweet just-cooked zucchini, flash roasted broccoli, peppery rocket and watercress and creamy avocado – but the thing that makes it sing is the lemon and garlic spiked oil and sprinkling of basil leaves – bloody delicious! And seriously, you don’t have to be vego to like it, Nick and I had it before he flew out, and he loved it too, the flavour and texture combination is irresistable 🙂


¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
finely grated zest of 1 lemon
1 small clove garlic, crushed
3 thin Turkish pizza bases
1 cup grated Parmesan
1 cup grated mozzarella
1/2 head of broccoli, cut into florets
2 large zucchini, finely sliced into strips with a vegetable peeler
200g buffalo mozzarella or bocconcini, torn into heaped teaspoon size chunks
1 cup rocket leaves
1 cup watercress
2 small avocados, finely sliced
¼ cup basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes (optional)

Preheat oven to 240˚C (450˚F) and put two oven trays in to heat up. Mix oil with lemon zest and garlic and set aside. Divide Parmesan and grated mozzarella between pizza bases. Top with zucchini strips and broccoli, then drizzle with one teaspoon of flavoured oil per pizza, dot with buffalo mozzarella and sprinkle with chilli flakes if using. Transfer pizzas to heated trays and cook for 10 – 11 minutes until golden and bubbling. Divide rocket, watercress, avocado and basil leaves between pizzas and drizzle each again with another teaspoon of olive oil. Season with sea salt and serve immediately. Serves 4-6.


  1. GROßARTIG wie immer, so schön in Szene gesetzt und das Farbenspiel ist richtig toll!
    Liebe Grüße sendet Jesse Gabriel

  2. Hallo Sarah.
    Ich mag diese ganzen Erzersatz Sachen nicht, ich esse so natürlich wie möglich, eigentlich mag ich meine Lebensmittel, Nahrungsmittel einfach so wie sie sind, ohne das ich sie groß verändere, es gibt doch nicht viel schöneres als ein Lebensmittel so zu schmecken wie es ganz natura gewachsen ist und schmeckt.
    Ach, sie sind einfach so sympatisch.
    Viele Grüße, Jesse Gabriel

  3. Hi Jesse – I understand, and agree – eating food in it's natural state as much as possible, is perfect! 🙂

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