welcome to the new look ‘from the kitchen’!

I am so unbelievably excited to welcome you to the brand new Stuck in the Kitchen website! Fear not, you have in fact made it to From the Kitchen – now renamed, re-jigged and looking pretty bloody awesome if I say so myself. First things first – let me show you around…Look at the top of the page – see those new headers? Right well if you click on the lovely BUY THE BOOK tab you will go immediately to purchase your very own (signed if you fancy) copy of Coming Unstuck – about time hey? Next try out the RECIPES tab – woah there, now each recipe can be viewed instantly with mini pics to entice you to click. One very important note here is that you must keep clicking the OLDER POSTS tab, as it appears I have amassed so many recipes there are way too many to take in, in one go. If you happen to be starved for entertainment feel free to click on the ABOUT ME post to come and say ‘hi’, and if you fancy working together, try out COLLABORATE.

As you can imagine I have been just a wee bit busy lately (my head is exploding), and you may find that in these early weeks of the new site that there may be a couple of formatting changes still to make (the odd weird gap here and there) – but I felt it way more important for you to be able to buy the book sooner rather than later, so I hope you will bear with me. Huge thanks to the fab Sea Change team and Phil for their hard work in getting this together on time. Right, I have so much to do, I’m not going to linger – but I hope you have fun poking around the site…and I will see you again here on Monday, the day after the official launch of Coming Unstuck!


PS – recipe print function coming soon!



  1. Hi!
    I’m really a fan of your website and of course I want your book. But why is it so expensive to ship it to the Netherlands? More than 30% of the price is for shipping 🙁
    Is there a possibility to team up with other Dutch orders to lower the price?

    1. Hi Niels,
      I totally agree – it is so frustrating, that is just what it costs to send. I would be more than happy to put some Dutch orders together, or even better find a European distributor…you don’t know of anyone do you, it is really hard to sort out from New Zealand? I will put the word out on the blog and see if we get any replies. I’m working on it! 🙂

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