prawn tacos

Happy Saturdaaaaaay! How amazing is this weather…so beautiful, my lawn is basically dust, but I can’t get too bothered about it when the sun keeps shining. Right then, today’s recipe is another little collab with my mates at Best Foods using their bloody fabulous mayonnaise with lime juice, zest and garlic in a cheeky little prawn taco – loaded with corn fresh from the cob, avo, a zingy slaw, coriander and of course (!) spicy smoked-paprika prawns. The whole thing is super easy to throw together and would be perfect for this balmy weekend, or to celebrate Best Foods National Barbecue Day on Sunday 24th February…so gather your mates and get busy!

…speaking of which it was a busy week for me with dinner out with some fab girlfriends on Wednesday night (Amano – always delivers), and a brilliant barbecue masterclass in Mt Eden last night. During daylight hours I have managed to keep relatively on track with the book, blog work and Fairfax, and may now be so bold as to say the book is half way done. Woooo! Haha – only 50 more recipes to go! Apart from that I have been back and forward to the vet with the dogs – nothing serious, just vaccinations and a delicate issue for Maggie the Westie…always wish I had gone with pet insurance. Meanwhile the men/boys are both hard at work in Welly – Rich and the lovely Raven will be popping up next weekend to head to Cirque de Soleil (hurrah), but I’ll have to head down there again soon to see Pog who couldn’t manage enough time off work to join us. Right, I slept in (unheard off), so time to get up and cracking…

Serves 6

900g raw prawns
2 tbsp chilli oil
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp sweet smoked paprika 5 cobs corn
2 avocados, sliced

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
finely grated zest of 1 lime
1 tsp sugar
sea salt & freshly ground pepper
1 red chilli, deseeded, finely chopped
3 spring onions, finely sliced
1⁄2 small red cabbage

Lime mayo:
1 cup Best Foods mayonnaise 
1/2 cup sour cream
finely grated zest of 1 lime
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice
1 tsp caster sugar
1⁄2 clove garlic

To serve:
12 soft tacos
1 cup coriander  leaves
3 limes, halved
Sriracha hot sauce (optional)

Put the prawns in a sealable plastic bag with the chilli oil, 1 teaspoon olive oil and the smoked paprika. Seal then refrigerate for at least 4 hours and up to overnight. Remove husks from corn and cook in boiling water for 5 minutes. Drain, brush with remaining 2 teaspoons of olive oil and grill on a hot plate to get lovely grill marks. Leave to cool, then slice kernels off cobs with a sharp knife and refrigerate until ready to use. For the slaw, whisk the oil, juice, zest and sugar in a large bowl. Season well with sea salt and freshly ground pepper and toss in chilli and spring onions. Remove the hard core from the cabbage and finely shred then toss through. Cover and refrigerate for up to 2 hours before serving.

Whizz all of the mayo ingredients together and refrigerate until serving. Heat a large frying pan or barbecue hot plate over a medium heat and cook the prawns for 1-2 minutes each side until pink and cooked through. I leave the tails on a few of my prawns (just because I like the look), and remove the rest for ease of serving. Heat tacos and serve the prawns on a bed of mayo, slaw, avocado and corn, and top with coriander. Sprinkle with sea salt and serve with lime wedges and Sriracha on the side.


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