i need to go to the supermarket dinner for one

Well this is somewhat accidental, and certainly not the auspicious dish I was planning to use to hop back on the blogging wagon. The truth is I got home from work early to shoot an intro video for the bloody gorgeous Christmas issue of dish and then started packing props and camera gear for an early morning trip tomorrow, for a four day shoot in Russell. As I pulled everything together I started feeling peckish so went to have a wee fossick in the fridge. A few slices of almost stale Vogels, one egg, half an avocado, some parmesan and half a boiled potato didn’t look wildly promising. In the pantry a few pine nuts and some left over pistachios along with my ever present toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds. On the counter a half a basil plant and some garlic. Et voila.

And on the table, my props and camera for packing. The light was lovely, and I couldn’t resist.

The ‘pesto’ is a hybrid extended by throwing in the boiled potato with the olive oil. Equally I could have used a few drained cannellini beans, even at a pinch some torn up white bread. Once they whiz up and kind of emulsify with the oil they become smooth and luscious, taking on the garlicky goodness and spreading the basil joy.

I probably should have started this by giving you a lengthy update on the state of the nation, after all it has been, ahem, years. But there is too much to tell all at once – maybe we’ll just let it all unfold along the way. Meanwhile – hiya – it’s good to be back.


Not really pesto:

1 cup basil leaves
2 tbsp pinenuts
1 tbsp pistachios
1/4 cup grated parmesan
1 grunty clove garlic
1/2 peeled boiled potato
enough extra virgin olive oil to bring together in a smoothish paste
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

To serve:

2 pieces toasted grainy bread
1/2 sliced avocado
1 fried or poached (or boiled…whatever) egg
2 tsp toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Bung all the pesto ingredients in a small food processor (also out for packing for said shoot). Whiz.


  1. So glad you’re back!
    That pesto sounds great. This meal sounds great.
    I don’t even think I need to go to the supermarket. Dinner for one (for two) tonight.

  2. It looks delicious. Amazing what one can whip up out of the Store Cardboard that has naff all in it (the State of my cardboard and Fridge these days).

  3. Love it! That’s how I cook at times, it’s surprising what you can create with a few scraps.
    Great to have you back!

    1. Thanks so much – its been so long I have to work out how to use WordPress again!

  4. We’ve missed you!!! So glad you are back sharing your stories and creativity with us again. FYI, this is my absolute perfect meal. Avo, egg, grain toast, I’m a happy girl

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