cheeky little spaghetti frittata

Happy New Year and all that! I’ve just returned from a few days spent at Waiheke with PD and two of my besties. Andy and Netty have been friends since my kids were little – over 25 years – and it is such a bloody treat to have spent many of the last few New Year Eves in their company. We swam, and ate, and drank, and laughed, did crosswords, watched a movie (Amsterdam – meh) and all in all a rollicking good time was had. Now I’m back in my own bed, with a cup of tea and my laptop, listening to the wind outside and looking at the crappy forecast around the country for the next week. Concurrently, it appears that my last two recipes have been for pasta, so I thought it timely to share this simple, delicious recipe for spaghetti frittata.

You would think, would you not, given what I do for a job, that I would always get my pasta quantities just right? And yet every time I cook spaghetti I throw some pasta in the boiling water, then think, ‘oh sh*t, that’s not enough!’ and add a bit more. And then, without fail, I have some spaghetti left over. If you do the same, just pop the drained pasta on a plate and cover it in plastic wrap and bung it in the fridge. It will be perfectly fine to keep for a few days, then when the moment takes you, will be perfect for this frittata – a wondrous combination of slightly crunchy golden spaghetti and seasoned egg, with a whisper of garlic and chilli and a decadent ratio of parmesan.

2 eggs
3 tbsp cream
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/4 tsp chillli flakes
sea salt and black pepper
2 tbsp olive oil
small dinner plateful left-over spaghetti

Whisk the eggs, cream, cheese, garlic, chilli flakes and salt and pepper together. Heat the oil in a medium pan over a highish heat. Add the spaghetti (which will probably be fulsomely stuck together) and cook for a couple of minutes to get a bit of crunch. Pour over the egg mixture getting into all the pasta nooks and crannies. Use a spatula to encourage the eggs to stay in the vicinity of the spaghetti. Cook for 4-5 minutes until the egg is set enough to flip the frittata. Continue cooking until both sides are golden and irresistible. Serve with a good hit of salt and pepper and whatever else you fancy on the side – aioli, pesto, chilli tomatoes would all be good – but its also fabulous as is. Serves 1.



  1. Made bacon spag last night and would you believe it have a plateful left so we’ll be having your frittata this morning! Thanx! Why is everyone so hungry all the time when on holiday!? Also lying in bed watching the Phoenix palm blowing madly in the wind. Have to say having only lived in Auckland since mid Oct (prev from Wellington) the weather up here is not all its cracked up to be!

    1. Oh bacon spag sounds perfect for this…hope you enjoy the frittata. And yes the weather is bloody appalling – and not wildly uncommon for this time of year!

  2. Another definite yes! I was disappointed with myself when I discovered I’d missed the renewal deadline for the December edition of Dish. Happy now thanks to your posts 🙂
    Happy New Year & thanks Sarah, loving the recipes & news
    Make certain you get plenty of relaxation & rest

    1. Happy New Year to you too! I am having a lovely rest thank you, feeling all lovely and inspired 🙂

  3. Happy NY Sarah. This was amazing, I added a drizzle of chili oil because I could. So tasty!

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