Coming Unstuck recipes to get you back on track – on sale September 19th

Alright, alright, alright (said exactly like Mathew McConaughey) here we go then – your very first peek inside the pages of Coming Unstuck – recipes to get you back on track! Holy sh*t balls I’ve made a cookbook!!! Soooo – as most of you know this is something that I have been working on for the last year, but let me tell you a little bit more about it.At the end of April 2016, a few months after Hoob had moved to Wellington for uni (Pog was already in Melbourne), my husband also left. As you may have gathered from this blog over the years, I am a real family-chick. So to go from being a wife and mother to single and alone in a few months really knocked the stuffing out of me. My husband and I had been together since I was sixteen years old…32 years (I turn 50 this year, falalalala), so when he left it was basically devastating. I came ‘unstuck’ (sounds better than unhinged), hence the name of my book and for anyone going ‘aha!’ you might also note that the title reflects my name’ S.Tuck’.

Anyhooo I felt like I no longer had any purpose in life, my darling babies were grown men and didn’t really need me much any more, and my husband preferred to explore a new life without me. So. I cried a lot. I didn’t eat much of anything (welcome back you 5 kilos, I would have been quite happy for you to be gone for good), drank a lot of whisky and tested the patience of my dearest friends and family with hours of crying, ranting, and general desperate self-centered-ness. This I must admit went on for at least three months (and frankly still happens now and again). Finally I managed to get my sh*t together enough to have the odd good day, and thought – God, I can’t be the only person who falls apart like this! I need a focus, I’ve always wanted to do a cookbook and I would love to help others – maybe I can combine the whole bloody lot…so I did.Coming Unstuck is the result – the chapters are slightly mad (no surprises there), with ‘start the day right’, ‘sad arse dinners for one’, ‘share the love’, ‘the sweet stuff’ and more. Basically the idea is there are dinners that you can make just for yourself (easy, quick and tasty), family-style meals, dinner party fare that isn’t a mission to prepare as well as breakfasts, nibbly bits, fridge/cupboard stuff, desserts and baking (scroll to the bottom of the pics for a screen grab of the contents page for more).
Not being one to shy away from a challenge I decided I would self-publish (also ‘cos I am a total creative control freak when it comes to my work), and I was bloody over the moon to have Pog (Henry) as lead designer on the book. I created a brief and his design was so spot-on it was like he could see inside my head – and I am so grateful to have had this chance to work with him (and the lovely Hattie who worked alongside him). Of course nothing is ever really a solo effort and all my fabulous team are mentioned at the end of the book – thanks guys!!!
So here we are, finally after a f*king huge amount of work, the book is all beautifully printed, bound and about to land in New Zealand. In anticipation of it’s arrival a few things will be happening – firstly this good old blog of mine is undergoing an overhaul and will be relaunching, fresh and invigorated on Friday 15th September – not only will it have a new look but also a new name, to tie in with the book I will be re-naming it Stuck in the Kitchen (actually the very original working title for the blog). At the same time there will be a shop page added to the blog so you will be able to buy the book directly from me, and from retailers around the country, who I will tell you about closer to the launch.

As you can imagine there will be a wee book giveaway competition around the launch, so tune back in for that, as well as a fabulous amount of media coverage which I will keep you posted on. But for now, I think that is more than enough words – scroll on down for a look at some of the pics, and a few of the pages in Coming Unstuck…and while I’m here thanks for visiting, and for being part of my other family – that of the blog. I really hope that this book brings many of you the solace it did for me in putting it together 🙂 Oh and one last word – you don’t have to be going through crap to enjoy the recipes – they are also perfect for people who already feel on top of the world!

Coming UnstuckSarah Tuck



  1. Looks absolutely amazing! I would love to buy a copy! Will it be possible to order one in the netherlands?

  2. That is great news! I had been following you on instagram, although just a little bit, but since one week, I am looking more closely and I so, so love your recipes, your photos, … that I looked if you had a book out, but sadly not at that moment. And today, YES!, a book is coming. Thank you!! (Thank you also for not announcing it 8 months in advance, couldn't handle the wait). I definitely will buy the book. Please tell me that I will be able to purchase it in Canada. I could order it from your site and will then bravely face the delivery costs… By the way, I am writing you this while waiting till dinner is ready: your GRUYERE CHEESE & BACON TART. For lunch, we had the delicious CAULIFLOWER, CHEESE & LEEK, GNOCCHI GRATIN and yesterday, we ate OLD-SCHOOL TOMATO SOUP WITH CHEESE, OLIVE, ONION & ROSEMARY TOASTIES, followed by the plum clafoutis. YUM!! The pages of the book look gorgeous!

    1. Haha, wow Anne you have been busy! I will be able to ship to Canada, so pop back in on the 15th…I will aim to keep postal costs as low as possible! 🙂

    2. Yippieh!!!! I am looking sooooo forward to it! And I will be SO busy, not minding at all being stuck in the kitchen 🙂 Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. A HUGE congratulations Sarah.
    I'm a great believer in that as 'one doorshuts, another door opens'. You have certainly proved that.
    An amazing effort- I hope lots of bubbles will be flowing on 15th. ???????????

  4. how fabulous is this Sarah – finally after all the s**t and hard work it has all come to fruition – my Mum pounded it into our heads every day "everything happens for a reason, don't question it just wait for the reason to become apparent"
    sooooooooooooooooooo it will all become very clear why you went through all the crap to get where you are today
    huuuuuge congrats and "Cheers"!

  5. It looks fantastic Sarah. I can't wait to buy a copy. You deserve every bit of success this book will bring you.

  6. HI Sarah,
    Congratulations, I too have been going through the empty nester, no life purpose, turning 50 thing!! I have also lost my mojo in the kitchen and I have turned to your blog for inspiration on many occasions. Thank you for sharing your turmoil with us and still churning out wonderful recipes for us to share. I can't wait to buy your cookbook. 🙂 Pauline x

    1. Hi Diane – hopefully eventually, but in the meantime you will be able to buy it online from the 15th September 🙂

  7. You are so very, very talented! You are a brave woman to share your story along with your incredible work in the kitchen. I only wish I wouldn't have to wait to so long to get a copy of the book since I'm in the US.

    1. Thanks so much Janie – I'm going to do my absolute best to find a distributor in the US as well…fingers crossed! 🙂

  8. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Sarah.
    Sie sind wirklich eine Künstlerin des Kochen, der Fotografie und des Lebens!!!
    Ich wünsche ich könnte eine Ausgabe in Deutsch bekommen.
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße sendet
    Jesse Gabriel aus Berlin

    1. Thanks so much Jesse – you are so kind! I can definitely send a book to Berlin for you (who knows, maybe one day it could even be translated!). I hope all is well with you 🙂

    2. Dafür müssen sie nicht bedanken, ist nur die Wahrheit!
      Wirklich das würden sie tun, mein Englisch ist aber nicht gut aber Google könnte helfen.
      Ich sage bescheid wenn ich mich dafür entscheide, verlockend ist es schon.
      Winde deine Rezepte und deine Fotografie immer traumhaft auch wenn ich ja selber schon 23 Jahre vegan lebe.
      Liebe Grüße
      Jesse Gabriel

    3. Thanks again Jesse – it is always fun to get your messages as I can read the German (still), but I can't reply in German any more – I can't remember my vocabulary well enough! Congratulations on your 23 years as a vegan, that is amazing! Both of my sons are vegetarian and I am 90% of the time…who know, maybe one day! 🙂

    4. Ich finde es gut, es muss nicht jeder vegan essen und leben.
      Sie kochen so gesund und achten darauf was sie esse, dass ist besser als viele die vegan essen und nur Fastfood.
      Ich bestelle ein Buch bei ihnen wenn das geht wenn das geht!?
      Ich koche jeden Tag für meine 95 jährige Oma, sie liebt Fleisch und ich Koche es für sie.
      Liebe Grüße
      Jesse Gabriel

  9. It looks amazing, Sarah – you must be bursting with pride…
    Having been in "sad arse dinner for one" territory a couple of years ago, I would have to say – your meals would win hands down! I don't think my cheese and crackers, chocolate dairy food (WTAF) and toast could compete, haha!! Happily, those days are over and delicious food is back on the radar well and truly.
    This is your time to shine and I wish you so much luck with the coming book launch x

    1. Thanks so much Jody – to be honest I am running around like a mad thing trying to finish off all of the promotional and launch stuff at the moment, I can't wait for it to be all done! 🙂

  10. Thank so much for the sneaky preview photos Sarah, as expected everything just looks delicious! Am very looking forward to being able to hold this long awaited book in my hot little hands. No more squinting over your recipes on a propped up phone in the kitchen, yay yay yay. Huge congratulations to you!

  11. Sarah this looks absolutely amazing! I am SO proud to know you. The photos and the design are stunning — you should be one proud chick!
    PS – three months is an extraordinary incubation period after which to hatch anew. You are a super inspiring lady! Love the name xx

    1. Hey Soraya, thank you so much!!! God, I don't feel very inspiring…just a bit stressed out with work and getting the launch sorted! It looks like you are having an amazing life – your drive and selflessness is the real inspiration 🙂

  12. Haven't been this excited about a cook book for a long time! Can't wait to get my hands on it! Looks beautiful. Well done, you should be super proud of yourself!

  13. I am sooooo looking forward to your cookbook and new blog launch – stuck in the kitchen completely resonates with me as I feel that when I am at home I spend more time in the kitchen than elsewhere! The teaser photos are so good I can't wait!! Cheers Michelle

  14. I am sooooo looking forward to your cookbook and new blog launch – stuck in the kitchen completely resonates with me as I feel that when I am at home I spend more time in the kitchen than elsewhere! The teaser photos are so good I can't wait!! Cheers Michelle

  15. Congratulations, Sarah!
    I've been a huge fan of your fantastic recipes, and absolutely stunning photography for years, and I can't wait to get my hands on your book!!
    Also, being a food blogger myself, I know that you have to have a peaceful mind and calm inside, to be able to focus and think creatively, so big kudos to you for pulling off this beautiful work, while going through such tough times!!

    1. Thanks so much Anne Marie – it’s so exciting to finally get it ‘out there’! 🙂

  16. My copy of Coming unstuck arrived today. It is fabulous Sarah, you must be very proud of it. I think I will start at the very beginning and work my way through all the recipes!! Well done ?

  17. I live in Australia. Read about your book in Dish & wanted it straight away.
    So had my visiting Kiwi sister bring me one over on a trip.
    Thank you it is spectacular . I love it !!

  18. Hi! I’ve wanted this book since you first released it but couldn’t get it shipped to the USA. So I was so excited to visit New Zealand last week … But was very sad to be told it’s sold out everywhere . I would love a copy, even if it’s second hand. Are you getting a reprint done?

    1. I hope so Sarah – keep an eye on the blog for an announcement in the next few weeks! 🙂

  19. Hi Sarah, I found your book by chance at my local library and now I obsessed! I must have made your coriander and carrot soup three times this winter! Your recipes are delicious and easy. I’d love to buy a copy of your book, however I see it’s sold out online, do you have it available anywhere? I don’t think I can keep borrowing it from the library, haha.
    Thank you again, your recipes are wonderful!

    1. Thanks so much Anna, and I’m thrilled yoo’ve had such good use from the library copy – I’m hoping to reprint before too long – keep an eye on the blog for updates!

  20. ive been trying to find this book and stuck together, are they still avaliable for purchase?

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