double espresso afogato with homemade coffee ice cream & galliano

When the guys at NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® asked if I was keen to participate in a collaboration I was thinking, errp, do I have enough time, so much to do etc etc, but when they explained the concept to me I was totally sold. Basically they have teamed up with to bring awesome music and great coffee together (you can find out more here) – and the funny thing was that I had just been having this exact same conversation with Rich on our way to the airport for his return trip to Welly. Rich has always sung and has recently become interested in writing lyrics, and getting involved in more of the nitty gritty of music making. Consequently, we were talking about how writing music is just like writing a recipe – you are looking at balance, the subtle things which don’t get noticed but set the foundation, the surprise elements which make it snappy, the mood and vibe – the soul! For me it’s all about balancing sweet/sharp/salty/bitter and umami then looking at textures like smooth/soft/crunchy etc while he is thinking about pitch/tone/tempo, and for both of us we might start with a traditional approach and then bring in something surprising as a twist.Sooo – what’s this got to do with coffee? NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®  were keen to collaborate with the key idea of reinventing a classic – so naturally for me a classic recipe that involves coffee. I instantly thought of taking the standard Italian Affogato and amping it up into a more intense coffee experience, so instead of vanilla ice cream with espresso (the traditional approach) we are building and layering the flavours here – homemade intense coffee and vanilla bean ice cream, topped with a shot of both espresso and vanilla spiced Galliano. To do this I have used the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Stelia machine.

4 NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Ristretto Ardenza pods using the recommended water measure (just under ½ cup total extra strong coffee)
1 ½ cups whole milk
1 ½ cups cream
1 cup brown sugar
1 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped out using the tip of a knife
6 egg yolks
6 espresso pods using the recommended water measure
6 shots Galliano

Make the Ristretto Ardenza according to the easy instructions. Pop the coffee in a large saucepan with the milk, cream, half of the brown sugar and the vanilla bean seeds and whisk to combine. While this is heating to a simmer whisk the yolks with the remaining sugar until pale and thick. Add the hot milk mixture to the yolks, whisking as you go, then return the whole lot back into the saucepan and put back on the heat. Whisk continuously for 2 minutes, then swap to a wooden spoon and stir constantly in a figure of eight, to stop the custard catching. As you move the spoon you will be able to feel the mixture start to thicken, and after 7-8 minutes the custard will be thick enough that when you run your finger along the back of the spoon the space where your finger wiped will remain clean…time to pour it into a large jug or bowl. Leave it for 10 minutes to cool then cover the surface with plastic wrap and refrigerate for two hours. Transfer it into an ice-cream machine and churn until almost frozen before popping into a sealable container in the freezer. Freeze for 6 hours or of course – days or weeks in advance!

Scoop ice cream into serving bowls or glasses and serve with a shot of Ristretto Ardenza (for a short intense coffee hit) or espresso (slightly longer pour) and a shot of Galliano for your guests to pour over themselves – nothing like a bit of theatrics to finish a dinner party with a flourish. Serves up to 8

Holy Moly, first ever COMPETITION!!!

I’ve got a NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® machine just like the one above to give away, and it’s too easy to enter… To be in the draw to win, just comment below choosing which of these classic recipe you would like me to reinvent (where it says ‘post a comment’). I will be drawing one winner on September 25th 2016, and not only will you receive the prize, but I will also reinvent the chosen recipe and pop it on the blog 🙂 The winner will be announced on Facebook and here on the blog, then we can private message for address details, and your NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® machine will be winging it’s way to your door! Competition NOW CLOSED 🙂

A. Sunday roast lamb
B. Pavlova
C. Cheesecake




  1. I do LOVE a good coffee and this looks decadent & tasty. For your next reinvention I would love to see what you do with the classic Kiwi Roast Lamb.

  2. Ohh Sunday roast lamb definitely. I've quite looking forward to a modern twist on this classic especially a spring favourite 🙂

  3. I'm always partial to a new cheesecake recipes so this classic has my vote.

  4. I'd love to see what you could do with the good old kiwi pav. Especially as we inch towards Christmas

  5. Mmmmmm coffee, yes please! Cheesecake – I often find them sickly sweet but would love to see what you would whip up! (And that's coming from a sweet tooth!)

  6. How about a coffee inspired cheesecake? Would love to win one of these beauties 🙂

    1. Hey Tori – are you in New Zealand – keen to enter the competition to win the Nescafe DolceGusto machine? 🙂

  7. Yum a new cheesecake recipe please! I made my Dad your lemon cheesecake tart recipe and I couldn't believe how awesome it worked. It was by far the most complex thing I have ever attempted but it was amazing and blew his mind, fortunately he also shared!

  8. Although I'm a huge roast lamb fan (and an even bigger fan of the leftover roast lamb and vege tart!) would love to see a cheesecake invention!

  9. Wow, that dessert looks amazeballs! Would love to see a cheesecake invention 🙂

  10. oooooh…as much as I want to say the sweet stuff, i feel like cheesecakes and pavlova have been reinvented before!! Would love to see a twist on the roast lamb!! yuuuum! p.s I ADORE this blog. I can totally trust the recipes n this blog, they have always worked out perfect and delicious!! Much love

  11. I just cant even decide between A, B or C lol…so, i asked my hubby, & being a carnivore, he said A…so A it is lol ��

    1. Congratulations Monica – you have WON!!!!!!!! Please contact me via Facebook so that we can organise delivery of your brand new Nescafe Dolce Gusto coffee machine 🙂

  12. Some kind of coffee infused Pavlova perhaps…pleeease? ?!! Can't make the above amazingness (that's word right?!) Without a coffee now can I ???

  13. Yum, coffee and even better a coffee dessert 🙂 And I hope the coffee machine is coming with some coffee too. So hard to choose, I already have quite a few baked cheesecake recipes, a few variations on pavlova and love my roast lamb as is. Only have two really good unbaked cheesecakes (triple choc and a lemon meringue) so would like to see a new one of those added to my repertoire please. Something that encompasses Christmas and summer maybe?

  14. Hi Sarah
    This recipie looks amazing- coffee is def one of my weaknesses !!!
    I'd love to see a Sunday lamb roast reinvented- I have such wonderful memories as a child of the traditional Sunday lamb roast I'm sure you can create something just as amazing !!

  15. They all sound delicious (especially after reading this blog… time for me to do some Sunday afternoon baking I think)! I'd love to see what you could do with a lamb roast though so that's my pick 🙂

  16. I (sorry) have never been a pay fan so would be great to see what you could do with that 🙂

  17. Mmmm! And what a lovely gesture to run this competition 🙂 (bonus – I'm glad I found your blog through stumbling upon your Facebook post!)
    I'd love to see your take on cheesecake. So far I have been faithful to a recipe by Ottolenghi, but I'd love to take another rendition to my next family Christmas!

  18. Cheesecake! Coffee and ginger cheesecake! Maybe with figs or prunes.. I'm generally dairy free because my son is allergic and now I don't tolerate it so well but I'll suffer in silence for cheesecake! Affogato looks Amazeballs. I love coffee.

  19. Gotta say a new take on cheesecake. Its the only cake I enjoy and I'm so sick of passionfruit flavour!!
    If I was to make a flavour suggestion – I'm totally digging hazelnut right now!

  20. Definitely; the CHEESECAKE! It's been done in so many ways, flavours, raw ingredients etc, that I'd LOVE to see a new and inspiring Kiwi version 🙂

    I love the Dolce Gusto coffees, pick me, pick me 😉

  21. Definitely; the CHEESECAKE! It's been done today in so many ways, flavours, raw ingredients etc, that I'd LOVE to see a new and inspiring twist to it in a Kiwi version 🙂

    I love the Dolce Gusto coffees (and am just in the middle of moving house, so how convenient…) pick me, pick me 😉

  22. Double Espresso Affogato with homemade coffee ice cream & Galliano sounds delishious and b fab with your reinvented cheesecake

  23. Pavlova with a passionfruit curd topped with fresh summer berries. Going to make the affogato this weekend one of my favourites…yummmy

  24. A cheesecake! I love cheesecakes, especially ones with a strong coffee kick!

  25. I vote cheesecake! A coffee (and chocolate?) twist on the creamy classic would be absolutely divine!

  26. Yummy. Apparently I make a really good affagato but I've never done it with homemade ice cream. I'll have to definitely try doing that. Please do pavlova! It's my favourite desert and I'd love to see a different twist on it.

  27. I would love to see a new take on cheesecake. We love it,but it is definately a sometimes food!

  28. Coffee and cheesecake, nothing could be a better match….so cheesecake it is!

  29. Cheesecake! It's such a versatile dessert with regards to flavour combinations, cake size, presentation and garnish. As a cheesecake lover, would be cool to see what kind of twist you could put on it….coffee perhaps?

  30. I wanted to say reinvent Sunday roast lamb but after reading the respect you've shown the classic affogato now I'm really interested to see what you do with the cheesecake and that's probably a good one to have up my sleeve coming into summer once we are immersed in all the fresh berries !

  31. A reinvention of the classic Pavlova would be amazing!! It's my favourite dessert over summer and Christmas so I would love Something that can be eatin in all seasons!!

  32. Well, I like cheesecake, the kids like pavlova and the husband would probably go for lamb… happy with any of it 🙂

  33. I would definitely choose the classic Pavlova. I am excited to see how you reinvent this favorite dessert! I'm sure it would be fab. ��

  34. Oooh it just has to be cheesecake! Pleeease! I dream of eating cheescake. Serious! And, I am certain I've tried every recipe out there – a new version would be better than Christmas! 🙂

  35. A bit of a twist on macaroni cheese would be cool. I know mustard peps it up but I wonder about other options.

  36. Pavlova definitely! There's nothing like a classic kiwi pav but reinventions can take things to the next level. Yay for coffee!!!

  37. With Christmas just around the corner I'd love to see you even try to reinvent (B) Pavlova to make it extraordinarily special as that's the only thing listed that I only eat once a year and at Christmas time

  38. I will definatley be tryign this coffee ciecream recipe as homemade coffee ice cream is top of the list in this household. I am keen to see how this custard style version comapres texturally to our whipped egg whites adn cream version? Please, a reinvention of the traditional Sunday lamb roast would be very much appreciated…rosemary & mint your days could be numbered!

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