roast rhubarb & white chocolate baked cheesecake

Friday – where in the bloody hell did the week go?!?! This is the one teeny tiny little downside to going away, while you escape into the travel twilight zone/parallel universe, merrily escaping normal life, normal life just keeps going – waiting for you to return and then requiring you to catch up immediately. Remember that feeling as a kid of luxuriating in having a few days off school when sick, but freaking out at all the work you were missing…that’s me right now. I don’t know why I’m whinging though, Fiji was beautiful, and I have my lists to tick off, so I really just have to get cracking. Hoob arrives tomorrow, so that is fabulous – I will have my lovely stinky-bum (and his mountain of washing) at home, and I have a list of his favourite foods to make, as well as a request from him for some cooking lessons. First up I think stuffed conchiglione shells, he wants to learn how to make a Japanese curry, then a simple pesto…

…but I digress. This gorgeous monster of a cheesecake is an absolute favourite. Previously I have made it with raspberries, but I actually prefer this version with the tart acidity of the rhubarb off-setting the rich, creamy sweetness of the cheesecake. It is not cloyingly sweet, rather mellow and soft and dense, in a good cheesecake manner. It would be a brilliant Christmas dessert, but also makes a decadent finale to any festive gathering. Do be extra careful to melt the white chocolate gently, that is the only thing you need to give extra attention to, and then it’s a doddle. Have fun – and please feel free to come on over and say hi at my Facebook, pinterest (a sneak peek at the inner workings of my brain) or insta accounts (or by way of a comment here!), I love hearing what you have made and enjoyed. Have a fabulous weekend 🙂

600 grams rhubarb, trimmed and cut into 3cm pieces
2 tablespoons caster sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

250 grams plain biscuits
70 grams melted butter
200 grams white chocolate, chopped into chunks
625 grams cream cheese, at room temperature
250 grams sour cream
1 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
3 tablespoons custard powder
2 tablespoons vanilla extract (or 1 tablespoon vanilla plus 1 tablespoon rosewater)
1 tablespoon water
23cm removable base tin, lined with baking paper

Lay the rhubarb pieces in an even layer in a roasting dish and sprinkle with caster sugar and vanilla extract. Toss to coat evenly and roast for 15–20 minutes until soft. Leave to cool in the syrup.
Line the base and sides of a 23cm removable base tin with baking paper. Whiz the biscuits and melted butter together in a food processor until it has the texture of damp sand, then pour it into the prepared tin. Squash the biscuit crumbs into the base and halfway up the sides of the tin, using the base of a glass to press the sides firmly, and a tablespoon to compact the base. Preheat the oven to 160ËšC (325ËšF) and pop the base in the fridge while you make the filling.
Melt the white chocolate either in a heat proof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water (don’t let the base of the bowl touch the water), or in 30 second bursts at 70% power in the microwave, stirring in between. Whisk until smooth. While the chocolate is melting, wipe out the food processor and put in the cream cheese (chopped into big chunks), sour cream and caster sugar, eggs and yolks and whiz until smooth. Mix the custard powder, vanilla and water to a smooth paste and add to the cream cheese and briefly whiz again to incorporate. With the motor running add the white chocolate in a couple of lots until well incorporated.
Pour the filling into the chilled base. Scoop out one cup of rhubarb, draining excess liquid back into the remainder, and drop the rhubarb in blobs onto the surface of the cheesecake. (Reserve the remaining rhubarb to serve alongside). Cook for 65–70 minutes, turning the oven temperature down to 150˚C for the last 5–10 minutes. The cheesecake is ready once it is fully set, but with just a little bit of wobble still in the middle. Turn the oven off and open the oven door just a little then allow the cheesecake to cool in the oven to avoid surface cracking. Once cold refrigerate until half an hour before serving. Serve as is, or with a little roast rhubarb on the side. Serves 8-10


  1. I made this yesterday and rested in the fridge overnight and we have just devoured our first slices. So so good. Rhubarb is my favourite fruit and just matches with this cheesecake beautifully. I have made the raspberry one as well, but I am with you that this has a slight edge. The great thing is it freezes well (the raspberry one froze beautifully) as long as you keep it full fat so I will be slicing and freezing so that I can spread the joy even further ��

  2. This cheesecake is amazing! I have been meaning to write a comment since I made it last Christmas. I had never made a cheesecake before let alone a baked one – super easy. Huge hit with all my family – i think it will be my new Christmas tradition. Can’t wait to make it again soon

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