Kapiti to the rescue

Things happen in mysterious ways don’t they? I had, in a spur of the moment manner, invited people for dinner last night, on the same day that I had a note from the good people at Kapiti asking if I would like to sample some of their cheeses. Well, er  – yes please – that’s the cheese board taken care of! So, once I had given them the correct address (long story) I was delivered their Kahikatea Camembert, Kowhai Gruyere Style cheese and Tuteremoana Cheddar with a pack of truffle oil, chestnut and raisin crostini. I served them with muscatel grapes and a glass (or three) of sherry (I’m a bit of a nanna), and the combination of flavours and textures – creamy, crunchy, sweet and nutty was bloody perfect 🙂 (The rest of dinner was curried lamb pies made with slow-cooked lamb shoulder, rocket and watercress salad and a massive pile of creamy mash followed by a wee recipe I’m testing for next week – keep an eye out for rhubarb and raspberry cafoutis with vanilla bean ice cream coming soon!)



  1. That looks delish! & ohh you are soo lucky to have Kapiti send you some yummy cheese!!! Can you tell me which store did you get your muscatel grapes from? Got a recipe that requires such grapes but not sure where to get them from.

    1. I know – I was very spoilt! You can buy the muscatel grapes at both Farro and Sabato in Auckland (not sure where you are?) 🙂

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