queso fundidio, beer, chorizo, chilli & cheese dip

Helloooo, I thought it timely to share this recipe I put together for the gorgeous Dish magazine earlier in the year…I can’t think of anything better for an outdoor, southern hemisphere New Year’s get-together. (Actually it would be pretty bloody fabulous in the freezing north too). I have been making variations on this hot cheesy […]

asparagus, prawn & zucchini bites with sesame mayo

Wooo – Friday with a long weekend ahead – bring it on! I am quickly finishing this before heading off to yoga (Ohmmmm – did first proper one-arm, no-cheaty side crow recently – yeah baby!) so that you can get the ingredients sorted for this recipe today. Even if the weather doesn’t behave, these nibbles […]

New Year’s Eve Partaaaay – mini smoked fish cakes with garlic, lemon mayo & mushroom crostini

Hellooooooo from Waiheke Island, New Zealand. I am taking (literally) two minutes to quickly post this on my way to catch the ferry for a doctor’s appointment in town. (Thank you Waiheke library for the kind use of your free wifi.) So, hurrah, stitches out today, and then I’m back out to the island to […]

classic Italian-style tomato bruschetta

It feels like an eternity ago that we went on our epic (for us) one month trip to Italy – I can’t believe it’s only been about 18 months! While we were there we ate loads of beautiful fresh produce, and a particular favourite ‘dish’ that we have been recreating ever since is this super […]