mini spinach pies with rosemary, lemon, pine nuts & feta

Good morning from the comfy old blogging ground of my bed, complete with second cup of tea. Today’s recipe is one I put together for Dish magazine, perfect for summer drinks parties, picnics, lunch – whatever really – they are gorgeous little pastry parcels filled with iron-rich spinach, salty feta, nubbly pine nuts and sweet […]

asparagus, prawn & zucchini bites with sesame mayo

Wooo – Friday with a long weekend ahead – bring it on! I am quickly finishing this before heading off to yoga (Ohmmmm – did first proper one-arm, no-cheaty side crow recently – yeah baby!) so that you can get the ingredients sorted for this recipe today. Even if the weather doesn’t behave, these nibbles […]

kumara & blue cheese balls with honey toasted walnuts

  Alrighty then – this is not my standard kind of recipe in that it was literally made with left-overs I had in the fridge, and therefore I can’t give you the exact quantity of potatoes and kumaras required to make your mash – but I can give you the precise amount of mash:cheese ratio […]

Chinese New Year pork & cabbage dumplings

Happy Saturday to you – not this time from bed (whaaat?!), but actually from my desk at home! As you willl know if you stop by regularly, Nick and I have just returned from an epic 14 day trip to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam/Berlin/Shanghai and back home to Auckland. Phew! One of the absolute highlights of my stay […]

heirloom tomatoes with prosciutto, burrata & basil

Remember those amazing heirloom tomatoes from the other day – the ones I couldn’t help but buy and bring home to photograph? Well this is what happened to them…probably not really suitable for New Zealand at the moment (unless you’re eating it in front of a roaring fire) but absolutely perfect for a lazy spring/summer […]

Classic Chicken Liver Pate

OK – I am still waiting for a reply from blogger as to why my photos aren’t uploading properly, but in the meantime, in order to get a post up, am resorting to using screengrabs as these are closer to the photos than the actual photos – arrgghh! Anywaaaay, last weekend we were invited to […]

Te Matuku Bay Oysters with Mignonette Dressing

With a cyclone warning to be heeded we caught the ferry back to the mainland from Waiheke yesterday. It was sad to say goodbye, especially with a blue-sky day thumbing it’s nose at the forecast and the first of the Merlot grapes being picked. However, as the set up is more camping there than anything […]