lentil, spiced beef & watercress salad with roast beetroot, coriander, beans & feta

Serves 4-6 Helloooo and happy Wednesday. Today’s recipe is one I put together for Dish magazine and it is a bloody delicious salad for any time of year. I love the combination of earthy lentils and tender spiced beef contrasted with peppery watercress, crunchy beans, salty feta and sweet beetroot, it is a seriously good […]

roast root vegetable salad with feta & semi-dried tomatoes & walnut, parsley & basil pesto

Holy moly did it rain last night (in Auckland) or what??? Happily I am still tucked up in bed with my cup of tea and heading to a slightly later yoga session today – that would be for day 36 in a row – wooooo – almost at my 40 day target! Actually I love […]

warm winter vegetable salad with lemony feta & coriander dressing

Morning all – well it’s been a while ‘between drinks’, but this is a great little vege-loaded mid-week recipe which is super healthy and pretty quick and easy to put together. During winter I often crave big hearty stews or pies (…see recent pie extravaganza), and when I need a vegetable fix I usually go […]

green greenie salad & smoothie

Well here I am as usual writing this post as I sit in bed with a cup of tea, delaying the moment I must get up and get cracking. Just like millions of other people in the world I spent yesterday listening to David Bowie’s amazing music while I worked – and now this morning […]

powerhouse salmon & slaw salad

serves 2 Hey ho – you quite possibly didn’t see my last bog post where I mentioned I had recently had another melanoma diagnosed – luckily so early it shouldn’t be a problem, I just have a wide excision to look forward to on the 16th December. (This is where the surgeon re-cuts around and […]

heirloom tomatoes with prosciutto, burrata & basil

Remember those amazing heirloom tomatoes from the other day – the ones I couldn’t help but buy and bring home to photograph? Well this is what happened to them…probably not really suitable for New Zealand at the moment (unless you’re eating it in front of a roaring fire) but absolutely perfect for a lazy spring/summer […]

smoked chicken pasta salad with romesco sauce

Whoop here it is 🙂 I love a bit of serendipity, and I reckon it happens all the time, especially if you’re on the look out! This week I had the chance to have a lovely coffee catch-up with an old client and friend of mine from the personal training days (for those who don’t […]

hear me raw vege salad

Hi there, and welcome back from Easter – I hope you had a good one! It has been such a wonderful treat to have Henry and Josh up from Wellington, and while they’ve been here I have lavished them  (and of course Rich and Nick) with love in my usual fashion – with food. So far […]

lamb cutlets with lentil, fig & beetroot salad & herb dressing

I love my job – especially on days when I get to photograph (and eat) things like this! This is a recipe I developed for Fairfax and it is exactly the kind of thing I love to cook at home – the combination of earthy lentils, sweet onions, figs and beetroot with salty feta, cumin-spiced […]

summer loving all-in salad

OK, so my last two posts were a soup (albeit a very fresh and bright soup) and lasagne to warm up my northern hemisphere friends. Today we’re back in the southern hemisphere with a super summer salad that I made for Fairfax to share. This is pretty much summer on a plate, perfect for the […]

herbilicious nutty salad with feta & radish

You may be looking at this salad thinking well that’s a bit boring, but I urge you to look again…see that crumbled feta, the baby herb leaves, the crumbled walnuts, the drizzle of simple dressing, the thin slices of radish – now imagine a mouthful with everything – the salty soft feta, the bitter leaves, […]