roast root vegetable salad with feta & semi-dried tomatoes & walnut, parsley & basil pesto

Holy moly did it rain last night (in Auckland) or what??? Happily I am still tucked up in bed with my cup of tea and heading to a slightly later yoga session today – that would be for day 36 in a row – wooooo – almost at my 40 day target! Actually I love […]

green greenie salad & smoothie

Well here I am as usual writing this post as I sit in bed with a cup of tea, delaying the moment I must get up and get cracking. Just like millions of other people in the world I spent yesterday listening to David Bowie’s amazing music while I worked – and now this morning […]

creamy mushrooms with sherry, garlic & thyme on soft polenta

Hi all, the countdown continues:) It has been so lovely having Henry and Josh in Auckland – they are still both sound asleep after a great night out to dinner last night – such a treat to have Nick, Rich and Lil there too, a rare occasion to get all six of us around a […]

chicken leek, & pancetta risotto

Well here we go – counting down to multiple ‘take-offs’! Rich finished his final night playing Clyde in Bonnie and Clyde last night, and he was bloody fabulous along side a whole cast of incredible talent – I was exploding with pride – woo hoooo! (Last school play ever – sniff – end of an […]

stormy night carrot, cumin & coriander soup with red lentils & dukkah

Could it rain any more – I hope someone is busy getting the ark sorted…?! Crikey I was going to post this later in the week, but I feel that this is a soup emergency. On the way home from work grab some carrots and some dukkah and delicious bread (also check the ingredients list […]

hear me raw vege salad

Hi there, and welcome back from Easter – I hope you had a good one! It has been such a wonderful treat to have Henry and Josh up from Wellington, and while they’ve been here I have lavished them  (and of course Rich and Nick) with love in my usual fashion – with food. So far […]

meatballs on brown rice with peanut sauce & Asian slaw

Just when you thought there was no other way to serve meatballs, here is my final recipe! (Actually, I could probably think of quite a few more ways, but I’m thinking we should probably leave it here…) This recipe combines the earthy meatballs with a zingy Asian slaw, spicy peanut sauce and some lovely nubbly […]

braised Italian lentils & eggs with pesto

Last Saturday Nick and I made dinner together (a rare occurrence indeed, but on the the ‘to-do more regularly’ list) delicious braised lentils with fish and salsa verde. It was so good I immediately became re-addicted to lentils, so much so that I made up this recipe as a way of being able to enjoy […]

roast salmon with fennel rocket & potato salad

Well congratulations, we have made it through the madness of Christmas, and are now out the other side and ready to  hit 2015 running  – woo hoooooooo!!!! I am so lucky to have had the most incredible year, having taken the risk of going freelance and then having the opportunity to work for Dish magazine, […]

Vegetarian Pumpkin Brown Rice Balls with Hummus or Tamari

Isn’t it funny how you end up in the mood for such different foods at different times? If you’ve ever read my profile page you’ll know that I have been advised (probably quite correctly) that I should get an angle for my blog – baking or raw or vegetarian or whole foods or family dinners […]

Not Your Grandma’s Orange Cake

This is a super-simple but beautifully moist and dense gluten-free cake, packed with whole oranges and almonds, with a mellow chocolate flavour thanks to the addition of Dutch cocoa. Topped with candied oranges and a drizzle of orange syrup it makes for a perfect dessert or late afternoon treat. If you would like to make […]

Espresso Your Love Chocolate Mousse with Chocolate & Hazelnut Biscotti

Well it’s that time of year again – red roses triple in price, tender hearts hope for anonymous notes,  young romantics stress about buying the perfect token of their affection, and old-marrieds get to raise a glass to each other in satisfaction for having made it this far! Valentine’s Day. In typical fashion my valentine […]

Roast Salmon with Garlic, Dill and Lemon with Quick Cucumber Relish

Well what’s that saying about ‘the best laid plans of mice and men’ often going awry? My original plan for Christmas dinner was to have roast chooks with a festive cranberry stuffing wrapped in prosciutto, but having had a beautiful side of salmon at a pre-Christmas Christmas at my mother-in-law’s the week before, I completely […]