‘Gala’ Prawn, Mango, Avocado & Chicken Salad with Spicy Peanut Dressing

Several years ago now we spent 2 1/2 very happy years living in beautiful Sydney. It was a totally idyllic time – the boys had just started school, Nick was working his butt off, and I was exercising like a mad thing – and completing my course in personal training. In Sydney everything seems like […]

Spinach, Orange, Date and Walnut Salad

Well that’s it – the local manicurists salon has their Christmas tree up, we’ve had to take half the blankets off the bed  and we heard the first cicada of the season a couple of days ago – officially the first day of summer is December 1st but I am declaring barbecue season ‘open’.  This […]

Keep Calm and Curry On Quinoa Salad

Hellooooo! I have been keen to use quinoa (haha) for some time now. It is such a power-packed little morsel loaded with protein and anti-inflammatory properties, but sometimes it can be a little, how shall I put this, boring and flavourless. It is all to do with what you put with it – and this […]

Fragrant Spiced Indian Vegetable and Lentil Soup

This hearty (yet not heavy) soup has been hanging around in the back of my head for ages now – fragrant with cumin, turmeric, ginger, garam masala and a hint of chilli, it is a fabulously healthy winter treat with a wee bit of naan or roti on the side. The lentils and vegetables pack […]

‘I Got the Power’ Salad

Packed with a power punch, this a seriously lean, mean salad with an aromatic sesame flavoured dressing. If you train regularly, or you just want to give your body a boost – this is the salad for you! Don’t forget to check out my recipe index page while you’re here for loads more salads (and […]

Dr Feel Good – Winter Salad

I am going to call this salad ‘Dr Feel Good’. (As a tribute to Aretha’s song – not the Motley Crue one!) Packed with vitamins A, B6, C, E, K and potassium, magnesium, zinc and fibre it is a veritable anti-aging, cold-fighting, antioxidant extravaganza and it tastes A-Mazing. You will love it. 5 medium/small beetroot […]