immune-boosting noodle soup

(immunoodle soup if you like)
(immunoodle soup if you like)
‘Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory…’ and yes Annie is quite right, apparently the weather is about turn to mega-rainy-crap all throughout the country from today. (Actually I have gotten to know Annie very well over the last fifteen months – she has kindly sung while I’ve been shooting, […]
Helloooo – God it feels good to be back into the swing of things, getting blog posts done, actually doing a bit of house tidying, and generally speaking not working every single minute of every day…well not quite any way! Today’s recipes are two I put together for Fairfax – a gentle, creamy celeriac and […]
Good Friday morning – woah that just made me think about Easter coming soon – where is this year going?!? Today’s recipe is one I put together for the lovely Dish magazine, and it’s an ideal super-easy autumn weekend baking project. The mini loaves (or you can make them as muffins) are moist and flavour […]
Yesterday Nick arrived back from Shanghai, tired and a little rumpled as usual – it’s a tough gig sometimes, zooming back and forwards between countries. Usually we have a ritual of softly scrambled eggs for dinner on his first night back (along with a catch up of whatever series we happen to be watching at […]
Goooooood evening, good evening, good evening (as Stephen Fry would say) – this is just a super easy soup recipe I thought I’d quickly pop up on a whim. Last night Rich and I headed off to his final school prize-giving and graduation ceremony, followed by a grad dinner. It was such a fun night, […]
Hi all! I feel like recipes have been a bit few and far between lately, which is kind of a mixed blessing – it’s solely due to the fact that I have been working so much. I am flat out for the rest of August and into September, but I am going to schedule a […]
Could it rain any more – I hope someone is busy getting the ark sorted…?! Crikey I was going to post this later in the week, but I feel that this is a soup emergency. On the way home from work grab some carrots and some dukkah and delicious bread (also check the ingredients list […]
We have just arrived back from a wonderful weekend at Waiheke, with incredibly beautiful, hot sunny weather, loads of swimming, bush walks and a pretty spectacular slow cooked pork shoulder on the barbecue. It seems so weird to think of my American friends enduring a really bitter winter – we’ve seen some coverage on TV […]
You might remember a while ago I posted a recipe for classic chicken noodle soup? Well it is a fabulous recipe, and if you have the time you’ll find it hereĀ – but if you are pressed for time and just happen to have a whole lot of left-over chicken or turkey staring at you […]
Well I don’t know what the weather is like for you outside your window this morning, but outside mine it is raining, windy, cold and miserable – yay! I love it…it gives me the perfect excuse to make this soup again (featured in a recent issue of Dish magazine) and even though I love the […]
Well here is my latest post – originally intended to be some glorious celebratory feast of a recipe, and yet after a week of work and busy-ness behind me, all I could think of today is this soup. It is the antidote to frazzled nerves (actually it probably is with mushrooms’ purported anti-inflammatory properties, and […]
This hearty (yet not heavy) soup has been hanging around in the back of my head for ages now – fragrant with cumin, turmeric, ginger, garam masala and a hint of chilli, it is a fabulously healthy winter treat with a wee bit of naan or roti on the side. The lentils and vegetables pack […]