wickedly good caramel slice

Hello from my snuggy bed, cup of tea in hand. What a gorgeous morning – I can’t wait to head out into the freezing air for my walk shortly (alternating walking and yoga at the moment), but first I wanted to share this recipe I put together for Fairfax – prune and port chocolate cake […]
I have always wanted to make my own Portuguese tarts and was actually excited when Kapiti approached me to see if I would be interested in creating a recipe to match with their single farm, organic milk – here was my chance. I faffed around with the recipe for ages having done a fair amount […]
L’il re-post from last year for Bastille day celebrations (la Fete Nationale), I know in the northern hemisphere it is the middle of summer – but for my southern mates I thought a warm pud might be appropriate! I’m aiming to shoot an easy, cheesy pasta recipe in the next few days – so check […]
Helloooo from my old blogging ground (bed), with a massive mug of tea. It is bloody freezing outside but shortly it’ll be time to brave the cold and head out for my walk – but first – banana cake pudding with caramel rum’n’raisin sauce. With my Fairfax recipes (as you can imagine) they are locked […]
Good Friday morning – woah that just made me think about Easter coming soon – where is this year going?!? Today’s recipe is one I put together for the lovely Dish magazine, and it’s an ideal super-easy autumn weekend baking project. The mini loaves (or you can make them as muffins) are moist and flavour […]
Holy moly did it rain in Auckland last night or what? This year we seem to have slid straight from a dismal spring to a momentary summer and have already hit autumn…but I suppose at least we have comfort food to look forward to 🙂 These recipes are two that I created for Fairfax so […]
We’re almost there – one week to go and Christmas will be upon us! To date I have not bought a single present, nor I have I given any thought to what I will be serving at Christmas Eve drinks or Christmas Day brunch – bloody hell, this is very uncharacteristic, and adding to my […]
Goood morning from my regular blogging spot – tucked up in bed with a mug of tea. I have a real treat for you today – these banana, maple, oaty muffins are basically a loaf recipe that I have tweaked (and can still be cooked a s a loaf) for Fairfax newspapers, so will be […]
Helloooo – if you come here often you will already probably know these things: 1. I love tarts, 2. I particularly love lemon tarts, 3. I am something of a perfectionist (as confirmed by the Fisher & Paykel What’s Your Cooking Style?’ quiz). To that end, the second recipe I thought of when they asked me to […]
Good morning 🙂 Right – now that it is actually proper winter, we can can fully justify some hard core comfort food action – like these really simple apple tarts with ginger & whiskey ice cream that I put together for Fairfax. The ice cream isn’t as sweet as you might imagine, but has a […]
Well this makes a change – for once I am neither propped up in bed nor at my desk, but at the hairdresser! (Loving the wifi 🙂 ) You may have been wondering if perhaps I had been abducted by aliens given the length of time between posts. The truth is far less exciting – […]
Oh my God – such wild weather in Auckland over night…and this morning! Rich is flying up from Wellington at 8:30am in gale force winds, yikes 🙁 I can’t believe I won’t be at the airport to greet him, I feel like a totally useless mother for sending a cab, but I will be shooting […]
Hold on to your hat – I am NOT in bed! I am actually sitting at my desk in front of my monster screen as I write this – having been for a walk, showered and baked a white chocolate brownie – and it’s only 8:25am! OK so obviously this is not a picture of […]