Easter slow roast lamb with rosemary, garlic, & vine tomatoes

 I feel a bit sheepish (l’il lamb joke) to be re-posting this again, but it is such a good Easter recipe it seems silly not to…hope everyone is enjoying a happy Easter 🙂 1 large whole leg of lamb, bone in, at least 2 kilos 8 sprigs rosemary 8 big garlic cloves, peeled juice of […]

a Waiheke Easter

Gooood Morning from the airport! I’m so excited to be heading over for a weekend in Melbourne to visit Henry – woo hooooo! As usual we headed overseas (haha) to Waiheke for Easter and had a wonderful few days with Hoob up from uni in Wellington, and beautiful island weather to enjoy. Sadly Pog couldn’t […]

hot cross bun bread & butter pudding

Morning! This is a quick wee recipe that is also available in the Tuck In (gettit!?) selection over at the lovely Dish magazine. It may not look terribly exciting but is actually bloody delicious – the hot cross buns soak up all that custardy goodness so that the resulting pudding is soft and squishy with […]

Mr McGregor’s mini carrot loaves

Hello and hurrah – my final blog recipe for Easter! (Now just two more shots to do for Fairfax tomorrow and then I am DONE for a week!!!) Oh dear I just saw a lovely reader had suggested a definite ‘yes’ to icing these little carrot loaves with cream cheese icing, but I was already […]

the ultimate Easter chocolate cake (for Netty)

I have been in two minds about posting this uber-chocolatey cake recipe. I made it this week for my dear friend whose birthday had slipped by without a blip – so silently that it seemed outrageous for such a darling woman to be unacknowledged. Sooooo – I wanted to do a chokky cake as an […]

For Easter: The Ultimate Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

OK, if you are worried about cholesterol levels, weight issues or sugar move right along because this is one beast of a dessert. I could literally feel my arteries closing up as I made it. That said – if you are still here, as you will see, it is fairly well the most incredible looking […]