loaded lamb meatballs with eggplant hummus, yoghurt, pine nuts, coriander & mint

Check out these lamb meatballs, not bad hey!? I just put the recipe together for Dish, and they’re a real winner. As it’s only me at home I delivered the whole lot, with all the extra bits, to my sister’s house last night, and they got a resounding thumbs up from the whole fam 🙂 […]

Easter slow roast lamb with rosemary, garlic, & vine tomatoes

 I feel a bit sheepish (l’il lamb joke) to be re-posting this again, but it is such a good Easter recipe it seems silly not to…hope everyone is enjoying a happy Easter 🙂 1 large whole leg of lamb, bone in, at least 2 kilos 8 sprigs rosemary 8 big garlic cloves, peeled juice of […]

warm lamb & farro salad with herby cannellini bean hummus

Hello again – surprise – it hasn’t been that long since my last post!!! This little beauty is a recipe I developed for Fairfax a few weeks back, and it will be appearing in newspapers around the country today, including the Dom in Welly (go buy a copy Pog)! Anyhoo, as you can see from […]

Lamb and Lentil Salad with Beetroot, Feta, Roasted Red Onion, Yoghurt Dressing and Dukkah

Hiya – this recipe has been in the back of my mind for ages now and I am so glad I have finally managed to make it! When you scroll down you might be a little bit freaked out at the list of ingredients, but I want to reassure you that it’s just lots of […]