wickedly good caramel slice

Alrighty here we go then – this latest recipe is seriously easy to make, utterly decadent and the perfect take-to-a-dinner-party (or serve at your own) dessert. The base is a lovely crisp peanut butter pastry, filled with smooth, rich caramel and crunchy salted peanuts. On top a wodge of homemade banana caramel ice cream (or […]
I can’t believe how the time has flown since we got back from overseas. I must admit I felt totally spaced out for a few days after Henry left – I think maybe I had been hanging on, keeping my sh*t together for him, then after he left I was just exhausted. Anyhoo – today […]
Hey-ho, Sunday afternoon the weekend before Christmas and for some reason I am working – argh – thank God it’s a job I love, gettin’ all creative on it or it would be very grim indeed. I just wanted to take a quick break to share version 2 of this pic for the super easy […]
A long, long, long time ago when I first started this blog I posted a recipe for a dark chocolate tart and at the time I was really happy with the pics which I merrily posted on social media thinking they were bloody awesome. Now I look back at those pics which still appear endlessly on Pinterest […]
Don’t you love old faithful recipes? This is a guaranteed moist, fudgy extra rich and dark chocolate brownie with white chocolate chunks and a (newly added to the recipe) sprinkling of sea salt – phwaor. They are also ridiculously easy and quick to make. These would be great to make for a chocolate loving mother […]
I have been in two minds about posting this uber-chocolatey cake recipe. I made it this week for my dear friend whose birthday had slipped by without a blip – so silently that it seemed outrageous for such a darling woman to be unacknowledged. Sooooo – I wanted to do a chokky cake as an […]
Hi all – well although I have only been away for a week, it feels like a month – I have done so much in the last seven days! I headed to Australia, incredibly privileged to be a guest at Invite the World to Dinner, an event hosted by Tourism Australia and held in Hobart, […]
Helloooooo! This is a fab celebration recipe just in the nick of time for celebrations in the lead up to Christmas, and one of my recipes featured in the lovely winter issue of Dish magazine. Making these brought back childhood memories of my mum ferociously beating choux pastry in a saucepan, and while the recipe […]
Spring has finally sprung in Auckland – woo hooo! However as always when writing recipes for the blog I am hyper-aware that a goodly portion of my followers (is that too dorky to say ‘followers’ – it sounds very dorky indeed…anyone have an alternative…?) are experiencing autumn while we wait for the sun to come […]
OK, if you are worried about cholesterol levels, weight issues or sugar move right along because this is one beast of a dessert. I could literally feel my arteries closing up as I made it. That said – if you are still here, as you will see, it is fairly well the most incredible looking […]
Well it’s that time of year again – red roses triple in price, tender hearts hope for anonymous notes, young romantics stress about buying the perfect token of their affection, and old-marrieds get to raise a glass to each other in satisfaction for having made it this far! Valentine’s Day. In typical fashion my valentine […]
For those of you who follow me on Facebook (yay you – you know who you are!!!) you will know it was my lovely Henry’s 18th birthday yesterday. To celebrate we had two waves of visitors, kicking off with assorted grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins for early evening drinks, followed by a second wave of […]
Off to a dear friend’s place for dinner tonight, so I begged her to let me bring dessert so that I could post a blog, and practice my photography! The tart has a chocolate pastry base filled with dark chocolate ganache and topped with juicy blackberries. The hazelnut praline gives a really nice crunch as […]