white chocolate & raspberry tart

Well since getting back from Australia I’m settling back into normal life with a thump! I have my arm-length ‘to do’ list sorted – now I actually just need to ‘do’. One of my new ventures (and on my list) is with Fairfax newspapers throughout New Zealand – I am happily going to be contributing […]

dark & decadent chocolate steamed pudding with luscious chocolate sauce

Hi all – well although I have only been away for a week, it feels like a month – I have done so much in the last seven days! I headed to Australia, incredibly privileged to be a guest at Invite the World to Dinner, an event hosted by Tourism Australia and held in Hobart, […]

eclairs filled with chocolate crème patissiere with chocolate ganache & praline

Helloooooo! This is a fab celebration recipe just in the nick of time for celebrations in the lead up to Christmas, and one of my recipes featured in the lovely winter issue of Dish magazine. Making these brought back childhood memories of my mum ferociously beating choux pastry in a saucepan, and while the recipe […]

Torta della Nonna – Italian ‘Grandma’s cake’ with lemon custard & pine nuts

Well this has been a very long time coming – and I really wanted to start with a big post sharing lots of photos from my trip (which will be coming shortly) but I thought I had better get cracking and put up a recipe before you forget From the Kitchen completely! Right then, one […]

the ultimate lemon tart

A big call no? The ultimate lemon tart? Well it isn’t even in the oven yet and I am tempting fate monumentally by making this call, and yet I feel confidant. I have been cooking variations on a standard lemon tart for years making little tweaks and changes along the way, in fact I used […]