pancetta wrapped chicken with blue cheese & sage on creamy braised fennel

serves 6 Good morning! Right – here we go another weekly recipe in the lead up to Christmas and the new year. These were both so bloody easy and delicious to make, and work beautifully together, I hope you’ll give them a whirl! The chicken in this recipe is stuffed with blue cheese, wrapped in […]

lentil, spiced beef & watercress salad with roast beetroot, coriander, beans & feta

Serves 4-6 Helloooo and happy Wednesday. Today’s recipe is one I put together for Dish magazine and it is a bloody delicious salad for any time of year. I love the combination of earthy lentils and tender spiced beef contrasted with peppery watercress, crunchy beans, salty feta and sweet beetroot, it is a seriously good […]

mushroom, chicken & camembert frittata with caramelised onions

As I sit here (post yoga glow on) it is hosing down outside my window, with thunderstorms on the way – ah yessss, Auckland in the spring-time! So, basically great timing for this simple comfort-food frittata recipe. If by some miracle the weather clears, it also makes a great picnic lunch, but assuming it stays […]

cauliflower, cheese & leek, gnocchi gratin

Happy Saturday morning – it looks like it’s going to be another beautiful (freezing) day in Auckland – good timing for a warming, comfort food dish like this one, that I just made for Dish magazine…basically a combination of rich cauliflower with gruyere cheese, creamy leeks and soft, pillowy gnocchi, topped in crunchy breadcrumbs, it […]

Kylie Kwong’s sung choi bao of vegetables

Some days I really love my job – case in point, the end of last week when I was invited to attend a Furi knife event hosted by the super-talented and down-to-earth Kylie Kwong. I have always been a massive fan of hers, especially since I saw her a few years ago, cooking at a […]

mushrooms in pastry (en croute)

Gooood morning, good morning, good morning (said in my head just like Stephen Fry). Right well apparently the weather is about to turn to crap all around the country again, so I thought a wee bit of mushroomy, cheesy pastry was in order. This is such a simple recipe that I put together for my […]

gruyere cheese & bacon tart with celeriac & cauliflower soup

Helloooo – God it feels good to be back into the swing of things, getting blog posts done, actually doing a bit of house tidying, and generally speaking not working every single minute of every day…well not quite any way! Today’s recipes are two I put together for Fairfax – a gentle, creamy celeriac and […]