lemon cheesecake tart with lemon curd

Lemon tart is my absolute favourite dessert for so many reasons – and as you can see I got a leeeetle bit carried away taking the pics! In my defence, these days I don’t get much of a chance to shoot something purely for the blog, so I thought I may as well keep playing! […]

rhubarb croissant bread & butter pudding cake

Hello – God it feels like ages since I had the chance to post anything that wasn’t work-related (apart from the pizza last week, and not that its a bad thing to be posting work related stuff, but sometimes I really just like to post what’s in my head at the moment, you know?). Anyhoo […]

dark chocolate tart with sea salt

A long, long, long time ago when I first started this blog I posted a recipe for a dark chocolate tart and at the time I was really happy with the pics which I merrily posted on social media thinking they were bloody awesome. Now I look back at those pics which still appear endlessly on Pinterest […]

salted caramel cheesecake mousse

Yes indeed a totally luscious, creamy, caramelly, cheesecakey mousse toppped with liquid gold caramel and caramel popcorn and a final sprinkling of sea salt (basically a pot of completely delicious calories). This recipe is for special occasions or for when emergency decadence is required and then Oh My God…phwaor!!!!! This is another recipe I developed […]

dark chocolate brownies with white chocolate & sea salt

Don’t you love old faithful recipes? This is a guaranteed moist, fudgy extra rich and dark chocolate brownie with white chocolate chunks and a (newly added to the recipe) sprinkling of sea salt – phwaor. They are also ridiculously easy and quick to make. These would be great to make for a chocolate loving mother […]

blackberry vanila custard cheesecakey tart

Well it’s been quite a while between tarts, so I thought I’d better get busy. I made this one a couple of times to get it perfect (you gotta do what you gotta do) – so now the pastry is super short with a lovely little crunch and I have made the vanilla custard centre […]

light & luscious chocolate espresso cheesecake

Hello Valentines! Well this time last year I was writing up my recipe for Espresso Your Love Chocolate Mousse and bemoaning the fact that Nick would be in Chicago for Valentines Day – this year he’ll be in China! Ah well – at least we got to share some of this cheesecake before he left! […]

white chocolate & raspberry tart

Well since getting back from Australia I’m settling back into normal life with a thump! I have my arm-length ‘to do’ list sorted – now I actually just need to ‘do’. One of my new ventures (and on my list) is with Fairfax newspapers throughout New Zealand – I am happily going to be contributing […]

dark & decadent chocolate steamed pudding with luscious chocolate sauce

Hi all – well although I have only been away for a week, it feels like a month – I have done so much in the last seven days! I headed to Australia, incredibly privileged to be a guest at Invite the World to Dinner, an event hosted by Tourism Australia and held in Hobart, […]