zucchini pesto pasta
…with peas, or not…
…with peas, or not…
To serve on a sunshiney afternoon, or to make a rainy one bearable
serves 6 As you know I have been flat out lately, zooming around like a headless chook working on my magazine contract work as well as flying down to Welly for Hoob’s 21st and, (in case you hadn’t heard) getting stuck into (pun intended) my next book! In between I, like you no doubt, have […]
makes 6 Do you believe in serendipity? Lately I have had a weirdly large amount of serendipitous things happen in my life, in terms of coincidences and crazy timing that have pretty much blown me away…nothing overly dramatic or major, just lots of small good things happening in synch. Any waaaay this is a bloody […]
…with lemon & tahini yoghurt dressing
…with caramelised onions and crumbled feta
serves 2 Well hello and happy Sunday morning to you. If you have over-indulged over the weekend at all (or even if you haven’t), have I got the perfect Sunday night recipe for you – an earthily, gorgeous mega-umami mushroom and miso soup bowl with silky soba noodles, tofu and bright spring onion. It is […]
serves as many as you fancy Right then – Easter is almost upon us so I felt it best to farewell the last of the warmish evenings with a spread perfectly designed to enjoy over the long weekend. Despite being single I still absolutely love gathering all of my old (not ‘old’ – ‘long standing’) friends […]
…perfect with roast side of salmon for Christmas
Delicious little vego mid-week dinner for 6
Happy Saturday morning – it looks like it’s going to be another beautiful (freezing) day in Auckland – good timing for a warming, comfort food dish like this one, that I just made for Dish magazine…basically a combination of rich cauliflower with gruyere cheese, creamy leeks and soft, pillowy gnocchi, topped in crunchy breadcrumbs, it […]
‘Here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory…’ and yes Annie is quite right, apparently the weather is about turn to mega-rainy-crap all throughout the country from today. (Actually I have gotten to know Annie very well over the last fifteen months – she has kindly sung while I’ve been shooting, […]