lamb cutlets with lentil, fig & beetroot salad & herb dressing

I love my job – especially on days when I get to photograph (and eat) things like this! This is a recipe I developed for Fairfax and it is exactly the kind of thing I love to cook at home – the combination of earthy lentils, sweet onions, figs and beetroot with salty feta, cumin-spiced […]

carrot, zucchini & corn fritters with avocado, yoghurt & dukkah

OK so I have been going to hot yoga lately, and really enjoying it – sweating like a pig and generally feeling full of peace, tranquility and the milk of human kindness. (It’s been almost 4 years since I sold my personal training business, and let me tell you cooking and photographing food all day […]

light & luscious chocolate espresso cheesecake

Hello Valentines! Well this time last year I was writing up my recipe for Espresso Your Love Chocolate Mousse and bemoaning the fact that Nick would be in Chicago for Valentines Day – this year he’ll be in China! Ah well – at least we got to share some of this cheesecake before he left! […]

summer loving all-in salad

OK, so my last two posts were a soup (albeit a very fresh and bright soup) and lasagne to warm up my northern hemisphere friends. Today we’re back in the southern hemisphere with a super summer salad that I made for Fairfax to share. This is pretty much summer on a plate, perfect for the […]

braised Italian lentils & eggs with pesto

Last Saturday Nick and I made dinner together (a rare occurrence indeed, but on the the ‘to-do more regularly’ list) delicious braised lentils with fish and salsa verde. It was so good I immediately became re-addicted to lentils, so much so that I made up this recipe as a way of being able to enjoy […]

herbilicious nutty salad with feta & radish

You may be looking at this salad thinking well that’s a bit boring, but I urge you to look again…see that crumbled feta, the baby herb leaves, the crumbled walnuts, the drizzle of simple dressing, the thin slices of radish – now imagine a mouthful with everything – the salty soft feta, the bitter leaves, […]

Farewell 2014 recipes (hope you enjoyed them) and bring on 2015!

Well by crikey, as we count down to New Year’s eve I’ve been thinking about what a big year it’s been! I have had the most enormous amount of pleasure dreaming up recipes, cooking and photographing, and sharing them with you. I love the whole evolutionary process as I experiment with styles and techniques – […]

Welsh-ish Rarebit with Fried Eggs

Hi there! Well it’s a weird feeling being back from my travels, with loads of work to get on with, and the annoying wait for my mole biopsy results to come through. To divert myself, I refuse to work today (goddam it- it’s Saturday!) and instead I am going to photograph a recipe that I […]


Hiya – I just thought I’d give you a l’il update on my adventures. Remember that Savouring Australia trip I had with Tourism Australia a while back? Well it turns out I am heading back across the ditch, and this time, oh, my, God – the gala Invite the World to Dinner event I am […]