Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato with Choconut Cones

Spring has finally sprung in Auckland – woo hooo! However as always when writing recipes for the blog I am hyper-aware that a goodly portion of my followers (is that too dorky to say ‘followers’ – it sounds very dorky indeed…anyone have an alternative…?) are experiencing autumn while we wait for the sun to come […]

Coconut & Lime Panna Cotta with white chocolate, fresh passionfruit and toasted coconut

I love desserts (hello – check out the recipe index – blushing!) and love to finish off a meal with a little sweet treat, but when the weather is warm I don’t want something heavy and rich. This panna cotta is outrageously light (even lighter than I expected!), the coconut milk has an earthy coconut […]

Celebration Chocolate Cake

For those of you who follow me on Facebook (yay you – you know who you are!!!) you will know it was my lovely Henry’s 18th birthday yesterday. To celebrate we had two waves of visitors, kicking off with assorted grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins for early evening drinks, followed by a second wave of […]