Japanese curry balls & okonomiyake

Goooood morning, good morning – well for once I am upright sitting at my ‘big’ computer while I write this, having hauled myself out of bed for a wee tiny run on this muggy morning. Crikey what a few days it has been! On Thursday I woke at 4am, got picked up by a cab […]

green greenie salad & smoothie

Well here I am as usual writing this post as I sit in bed with a cup of tea, delaying the moment I must get up and get cracking. Just like millions of other people in the world I spent yesterday listening to David Bowie’s amazing music while I worked – and now this morning […]

perfect steak with garlicky herb butter

Hello and good Monday-back-to-work morning to you! I am just psyching myself up for the mountain of work I need to get through before flying to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam in about 10 days, and in the meantime breathing through the fact that Henry is mid-pack for his big move to Melbourne and Rich is filling in time […]

powerhouse salmon & slaw salad

serves 2 Hey ho – you quite possibly didn’t see my last bog post where I mentioned I had recently had another melanoma diagnosed – luckily so early it shouldn’t be a problem, I just have a wide excision to look forward to on the 16th December. (This is where the surgeon re-cuts around and […]

flat iron steak tacos with black bean mole, pico de gallo, slaw & lime crema

Right – the weather is still soooo average, (come on spring, enough of this muggy gloom!) but I was feeling like having some friends round for dinner, so was after something that would feel a bit more summery, but still be super-satisfying and tasty. I was also keen to try out these new flat iron […]

asparagus & mozzarella pizzas, smoked salmon pizzas with dill & capers

I am tapping away writing this in total lazy mode – it’s 6:53am and I’m propped up in bed with my second massive mug of tea – perfect! Today’s recipes are two that I put together for Fairfax, and they are two family favourites – basically we have pizza at home probably around once a […]

brown rice (or quinoa), zucchini & cabbage fritters with mozzarella, avocado & pesto

Hi all! Well sh*t it’s been a crappy few days hasn’t it…I found myself stupidly apologising to Rich (the 18 year old) last night as we sat on the couch watching the news – for the state of the world. I remember heading off to Europe by myself, aged 17, for a year’s AFS student […]

warm lamb & farro salad with herby cannellini bean hummus

Hello again – surprise – it hasn’t been that long since my last post!!! This little beauty is a recipe I developed for Fairfax a few weeks back, and it will be appearing in newspapers around the country today, including the Dom in Welly (go buy a copy Pog)! Anyhoo, as you can see from […]

mega-comfort chicken & leek pie with paris mash

Well here we all are again then – some of us anyway! We flew back in from Tokyo yesterday morning and zombied around the house, washed mountains of clothes, picked up the dogs from the kennels and went to the supermarket – all that catch up stuff – the only abnormal thing was there were […]