Chinese New Year pork & cabbage dumplings

Happy Saturday to you – not this time from bed (whaaat?!), but actually from my desk at home! As you willl know if you stop by regularly, Nick and I have just returned from an epic 14 day trip to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam/Berlin/Shanghai and back home to Auckland. Phew! One of the absolute highlights of my stay […]

Indian spiced barbecue chicken with spinach, mango & avocado salad

To be completely consistent I am again posting this while lying in bed (I must be seeming like the most lazy person in the universe…), but this time it’s from Shanghai! It is -1˚ outside, windy and a bleak, cold morning, so I’m not feeling any great inclination to leap out of bed. This is […]

Japanese curry balls & okonomiyake

Goooood morning, good morning – well for once I am upright sitting at my ‘big’ computer while I write this, having hauled myself out of bed for a wee tiny run on this muggy morning. Crikey what a few days it has been! On Thursday I woke at 4am, got picked up by a cab […]

green greenie salad & smoothie

Well here I am as usual writing this post as I sit in bed with a cup of tea, delaying the moment I must get up and get cracking. Just like millions of other people in the world I spent yesterday listening to David Bowie’s amazing music while I worked – and now this morning […]

powerhouse salmon & slaw salad

serves 2 Hey ho – you quite possibly didn’t see my last bog post where I mentioned I had recently had another melanoma diagnosed – luckily so early it shouldn’t be a problem, I just have a wide excision to look forward to on the 16th December. (This is where the surgeon re-cuts around and […]

flat iron steak tacos with black bean mole, pico de gallo, slaw & lime crema

Right – the weather is still soooo average, (come on spring, enough of this muggy gloom!) but I was feeling like having some friends round for dinner, so was after something that would feel a bit more summery, but still be super-satisfying and tasty. I was also keen to try out these new flat iron […]

asparagus & mozzarella pizzas, smoked salmon pizzas with dill & capers

I am tapping away writing this in total lazy mode – it’s 6:53am and I’m propped up in bed with my second massive mug of tea – perfect! Today’s recipes are two that I put together for Fairfax, and they are two family favourites – basically we have pizza at home probably around once a […]

brown rice (or quinoa), zucchini & cabbage fritters with mozzarella, avocado & pesto

Hi all! Well sh*t it’s been a crappy few days hasn’t it…I found myself stupidly apologising to Rich (the 18 year old) last night as we sat on the couch watching the news – for the state of the world. I remember heading off to Europe by myself, aged 17, for a year’s AFS student […]

warm lamb & farro salad with herby cannellini bean hummus

Hello again – surprise – it hasn’t been that long since my last post!!! This little beauty is a recipe I developed for Fairfax a few weeks back, and it will be appearing in newspapers around the country today, including the Dom in Welly (go buy a copy Pog)! Anyhoo, as you can see from […]

kumara (sweet potato), corn & feta fritters with spicy red pepper sauce

Good Friday morning to you 🙂 As you may have seen on my Facebook page I have been flirting with vegetarianism lately, so am always on the look out for hearty, delicious dishes where I don’t feel like I’m missing out – and these fritters which I developed for Fairfax fit the bill perfectly. With […]