super-green pizzas with zucchini, mozzarella, broccoli, watercress, rocket & avocado

I am sitting here in a wee satisfied glow having just finished a shoot for the Wine Friend company (such a good idea, they deliver wine that suits your taste so that you get introduced to new wines via their recommendations, without buying duds), and not only do I love the shots (hurrah!), but I […]

evening-after-the-night-before soup

Goooooood evening, good evening, good evening (as Stephen Fry would say) – this is just a super easy soup recipe I thought I’d quickly pop up on a whim. Last night Rich and I headed off to his final school prize-giving and graduation ceremony, followed by a grad dinner. It was such a fun night, […]

asparagus & mozzarella pizzas, smoked salmon pizzas with dill & capers

I am tapping away writing this in total lazy mode – it’s 6:53am and I’m propped up in bed with my second massive mug of tea – perfect! Today’s recipes are two that I put together for Fairfax, and they are two family favourites – basically we have pizza at home probably around once a […]

brown rice (or quinoa), zucchini & cabbage fritters with mozzarella, avocado & pesto

Hi all! Well sh*t it’s been a crappy few days hasn’t it…I found myself stupidly apologising to Rich (the 18 year old) last night as we sat on the couch watching the news – for the state of the world. I remember heading off to Europe by myself, aged 17, for a year’s AFS student […]

kumara (sweet potato), corn & feta fritters with spicy red pepper sauce

Good Friday morning to you 🙂 As you may have seen on my Facebook page I have been flirting with vegetarianism lately, so am always on the look out for hearty, delicious dishes where I don’t feel like I’m missing out – and these fritters which I developed for Fairfax fit the bill perfectly. With […]

corn & red pepper cheese stuffed fried rice balls (Mexican-style arancini)

Feeling in a reflective mood this morning – blogging really is a bit of a weird thing – who sits at home in front of a computer sending bits of themselves out into the universe? I originally started From the Kitchen years ago as a way to practice my photography and share some of my […]

creamy mushrooms with sherry, garlic & thyme on soft polenta

Hi all, the countdown continues:) It has been so lovely having Henry and Josh in Auckland – they are still both sound asleep after a great night out to dinner last night – such a treat to have Nick, Rich and Lil there too, a rare occasion to get all six of us around a […]

stormy night carrot, cumin & coriander soup with red lentils & dukkah

Could it rain any more – I hope someone is busy getting the ark sorted…?! Crikey I was going to post this later in the week, but I feel that this is a soup emergency. On the way home from work grab some carrots and some dukkah and delicious bread (also check the ingredients list […]

novice yogi’s kitchari – basmati & split peas with Indian spices, vegetables & fresh herbs

OK now don’t worry, I’m not veering off completely into total vegan territory (with apologies to any vegans who would like me to…), but as I have been yoga-ing my ass off lately I have been interested to find out more about what those glowing, lithe yoga-instructors eat – et voila! And as you can […]

hear me raw vege salad

Hi there, and welcome back from Easter – I hope you had a good one! It has been such a wonderful treat to have Henry and Josh up from Wellington, and while they’ve been here I have lavished them  (and of course Rich and Nick) with love in my usual fashion – with food. So far […]

carrot, zucchini & corn fritters with avocado, yoghurt & dukkah

OK so I have been going to hot yoga lately, and really enjoying it – sweating like a pig and generally feeling full of peace, tranquility and the milk of human kindness. (It’s been almost 4 years since I sold my personal training business, and let me tell you cooking and photographing food all day […]

herbilicious nutty salad with feta & radish

You may be looking at this salad thinking well that’s a bit boring, but I urge you to look again…see that crumbled feta, the baby herb leaves, the crumbled walnuts, the drizzle of simple dressing, the thin slices of radish – now imagine a mouthful with everything – the salty soft feta, the bitter leaves, […]

Welsh-ish Rarebit with Fried Eggs

Hi there! Well it’s a weird feeling being back from my travels, with loads of work to get on with, and the annoying wait for my mole biopsy results to come through. To divert myself, I refuse to work today (goddam it- it’s Saturday!) and instead I am going to photograph a recipe that I […]