salted peanut caramel tart with banana caramel ice cream & chocolate sauce

Alrighty here we go then – this latest recipe is seriously easy to make, utterly decadent and the perfect take-to-a-dinner-party (or serve at your own) dessert. The base is a lovely crisp peanut butter pastry, filled with smooth, rich caramel and crunchy salted peanuts. On top a wodge of homemade banana caramel ice cream (or […]

classic lemon tart

Helloooo – if you come here often you will already probably know these things: 1. I love tarts, 2. I particularly love lemon tarts, 3. I am something of a perfectionist (as confirmed by the Fisher & Paykel What’s Your Cooking Style?’ quiz). To that end, the second recipe I thought of when they asked me to […]

rustic apple tart with whiskey ginger ice cream

Good morning 🙂 Right – now that it is actually proper winter, we can can fully justify some hard core comfort food action – like these really simple apple tarts with ginger & whiskey ice cream that I put together for Fairfax. The ice cream isn’t as sweet as you might imagine, but has a […]

pear & date bundt cake with caramel mascarpone sauce

Well this makes a change – for once I am neither propped up in bed nor at my desk, but at the hairdresser! (Loving the wifi 🙂 ) You may have been wondering if perhaps I had been abducted by aliens given the length of time between posts. The truth is far less exciting – […]

milk chocolate hazelnut mousses with plums & hazelnut cookies

Hello-lo as my sister would say! I’m tapping away, about to go and ‘put my face on’ and head off to mother-in-law’s sister’s wedding (as you do), and thought I should get this ready to post. Look at these lovely, luscious beauties!!! This is just my kind of dessert – creamy, smooth, milky Frangelico-spiked chocolate […]

hot cross bun bread & butter pudding

Morning! This is a quick wee recipe that is also available in the Tuck In (gettit!?) selection over at the lovely Dish magazine. It may not look terribly exciting but is actually bloody delicious – the hot cross buns soak up all that custardy goodness so that the resulting pudding is soft and squishy with […]

decadent no churn chocolate ice cream & espresso pops

Sometimes the recipes I post are fresh off the plate and page to you, and some are ‘ones I prepared earlier’ – like this recipe for amazingly indulgent no-churn chocolate ice cream and espresso popsicles which I created for Fairfax before my recent big trip to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam. Both recipes are pretty bloody high calorie, so […]

valentine’s day chocolate frangelico hazelnut tarts & no-churn hazelnut ice cream

I can’t believe how the time has flown since we got back from overseas. I must admit I felt totally spaced out for a few days after Henry left – I think maybe I had been hanging on, keeping my sh*t together for him, then after he left I was just exhausted. Anyhoo – today […]

summertime mango, banana & raspberry yoghurt popsicles

Good Morning – surprise, once again I am posting this while lying in bed with a morning coffee, but this time from Amsterdam! The weather outside the Canal House where I am staying is a little grim and I have developed a grotty cold during the trip – but I am still beside myself to […]

Christmas showstopper, easy twice baked chocolate souffles with whiskey chocolate sauce

Hey-ho, Sunday afternoon the weekend before Christmas and for some reason I am working – argh – thank God it’s a job I love, gettin’ all creative on it or it would be very grim indeed. I just wanted to take a quick break to  share version 2 of this pic for the super easy […]

Christmassey walnut caramel dumplings with vanilla bean ice cream

Just sitting here feeling very bah-hum-buggy with a sore back thanks to the melanoma wide-excision yesterday – I am one of those people who rushes around at a million miles an hour, so having to move cautiously is anathema to me. However being kind of chair bound has meant that I have caught up on […]

oliebollen (Dutch apple doughnuts)

Last night as I was writing this my mother was preparing the ingredients to make the Spring Super Salad which she took as an entree for dinner with friends. That doesn’t sound very remarkable unless you already know from reading my About Me page that Mum absolutely hates cooking, and always has. I find it […]