spring asparagus, pea & zucchini tart with light herb mayo

Morning all. God what a weird few weeks, first Trump elected President in the states and then earthquakes here in New Zealand. I don’t remember us having such regular ‘shaky isles’ in the past, and feel so sorry for anyone having to live with both the fear during the quakes, and the crappy aftermath of […]

roast rhubarb & white chocolate baked cheesecake

Friday – where in the bloody hell did the week go?!?! This is the one teeny tiny little downside to going away, while you escape into the travel twilight zone/parallel universe, merrily escaping normal life, normal life just keeps going – waiting for you to return and then requiring you to catch up immediately. Remember […]

no-bake nutella choc cheesecake

  Goooood morning, crikey it feels like it’s been ages, but perhaps not that long (only a week!) – and I am happy to say I have five recipes lined up ready and waiting, so plenty more to come over the next little while. This is one I put together for the Dish magazine website, […]

salted peanut caramel tart with banana caramel ice cream & chocolate sauce

Alrighty here we go then – this latest recipe is seriously easy to make, utterly decadent and the perfect take-to-a-dinner-party (or serve at your own) dessert. The base is a lovely crisp peanut butter pastry, filled with smooth, rich caramel and crunchy salted peanuts. On top a wodge of homemade banana caramel ice cream (or […]

French onion soup & rustic croque monsieur

These are two of my all-time favourite French dishes that are featuring in Fairfax newspapers around the country today – so simple to prepare, pretty rustic, but packed with fantastic flavour. The onion soup is deeply rich, slightly sweet and satisfying while the croque monsieur is indulgently good with crispy bread slathered in bechamel sauce, […]

slow-cooked mexican pulled beef & beans on soft cheesy polenta

Goood morning. I am well over due to get up and get cranking, but wanted to quickly share this before the weekend. It’s looking set to be freezing, wild weather around the country, and this is the antidote – super-slow cooked Mexican spiced beef and beans on soft, cheesy polenta. The whole thing is so […]

classic lemon tart

Helloooo – if you come here often you will already probably know these things: 1. I love tarts, 2. I particularly love lemon tarts, 3. I am something of a perfectionist (as confirmed by the Fisher & Paykel What’s Your Cooking Style?’ quiz). To that end, the second recipe I thought of when they asked me to […]

loaded four cheese pizzas with chilli, rocket & lemon

Fridaaaaay! Yay – and finally a beautiful blue-sky day in Auckland – fantastic! Today’s recipe is for a crispy thin-based pizza loaded with cheesy goodness then finished off with a little chilli kick, fresh peppery rocket and some fresh zingy lemon. It is a great vegetarian option, but for other suggestions you can also checkout […]

welcome home soup

Yesterday Nick arrived back from Shanghai, tired and a little rumpled as usual – it’s a tough gig sometimes, zooming back and forwards between countries. Usually we have a ritual of softly scrambled eggs for dinner on his first night back (along with a catch up of whatever series we happen to be watching at […]

valentine’s day chocolate frangelico hazelnut tarts & no-churn hazelnut ice cream

I can’t believe how the time has flown since we got back from overseas. I must admit I felt totally spaced out for a few days after Henry left – I think maybe I had been hanging on, keeping my sh*t together for him, then after he left I was just exhausted. Anyhoo – today […]

Indian spiced barbecue chicken with spinach, mango & avocado salad

To be completely consistent I am again posting this while lying in bed (I must be seeming like the most lazy person in the universe…), but this time it’s from Shanghai! It is -1˚ outside, windy and a bleak, cold morning, so I’m not feeling any great inclination to leap out of bed. This is […]

summertime mango, banana & raspberry yoghurt popsicles

Good Morning – surprise, once again I am posting this while lying in bed with a morning coffee, but this time from Amsterdam! The weather outside the Canal House where I am staying is a little grim and I have developed a grotty cold during the trip – but I am still beside myself to […]

Japanese curry balls & okonomiyake

Goooood morning, good morning – well for once I am upright sitting at my ‘big’ computer while I write this, having hauled myself out of bed for a wee tiny run on this muggy morning. Crikey what a few days it has been! On Thursday I woke at 4am, got picked up by a cab […]