
Happy Sunday evening – I thought if I didn’t get on with posting about my recent trip with the men/boys it would end up being ancient history…so here we go, the adventure continues! (As with last time if you’re not into the travel gig, just nip over to the recipe page and go wild). We […]


Hello not from glorious, sunny Croatia, but instead from my slightly cold and uncharacteristically messy kitchen. Here I sit whisky in hand (probably shouldn’t…went out for drinks twice last night…long story), Tom Misch playing on my laptop (try the album ‘Geography’ with thanks to Hoob for the stellar recommendation) and I have decided it is […]

Emirates Adventure – Masu, Seafarer’s, Shouk, Gerard’s & Business Class bliss

Is there a word for reminiscing about something before the experience has even finished (I’m sure the Germans will have something for this)? Here I sit in business class on board my Emirates flight home from Brisbane doing just that. As you may know I have done a wee bit of travelling in the last […]

a Waiheke Easter

Gooood Morning from the airport! I’m so excited to be heading over for a weekend in Melbourne to visit Henry – woo hooooo! As usual we headed overseas (haha) to Waiheke for Easter and had a wonderful few days with Hoob up from uni in Wellington, and beautiful island weather to enjoy. Sadly Pog couldn’t […]

Chinese New Year pork & cabbage dumplings

Happy Saturday to you – not this time from bed (whaaat?!), but actually from my desk at home! As you willl know if you stop by regularly, Nick and I have just returned from an epic 14 day trip to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam/Berlin/Shanghai and back home to Auckland. Phew! One of the absolute highlights of my stay […]

morning walk on Waiheke

Good Monday morning! If you have been coming here for a while you will know that my heart belongs to Waiheke Island, I absolutely love it’s beautiful scenery, amazing wines, stunning beaches and laid back vibe. Now that spring has actually kind of properly sprung we’ll be heading back out there more often – and […]

Orpheus Island

If you follow From the Kitchen on Facebook, you will know that I have just come back from the most extraordinary adventure in Australia. I was incredibly privileged to have been invited to attend the Invite the World to Dinner gala as part of Tourism Australia’s ‘Restaurant Australia’ campaign, and in the lead up to […]