Bucatini with Anchovies and Fennel

Next up is Bucatini with Anchovies, Parmesan and Fennel Seeds. If you are not an anchovy-lover (I am only a moderate partaker of said fish) do not be put off – it’s not like you are eating big hunks of hairy, salty, boney fish ( ahem – if you love anchovies, you can totally do […]

Bagel with Melted Gruyere, Ham and a Poached Egg

Bagels with Melted Gruyere Cheese, Ham and Poached Eggs Bonjour!!!! Happy 14th of July – and may I present my sneaky tribute to the classic French Croque Madame – a plump toasted bagel, topped with melty gruyere cheese, good quality ham and a poached egg. I have nothing against the original in fact I love […]

Sunday Night Pancetta, Onion and Three Cheese Tart

Sunday Night Pancetta, Onion and Three Cheese Tart I can’t believe we have been home from our big trip for over three weeks now – argh – back into normal life with a thump. The lovely Henry is still on university holiday and it is fabulous to have his cheery self around, whilst Rich has […]

Coffee, Hazelnut and Dark Chocolate Caramel Slice

Well this is the third incarnation of this slice, I can’t help myself, it just lends itself to so many variations! So far I have done it with dark chocolate and coconut and also with white chocolate and macadamia nuts, but this time it’s all rich, dark and moody with 70% cocoa chocolate, strong coffee […]

Bucatini all’Amatriciana

Everywhere we went in Italy we met the most fabulous, people – warm, welcoming and endlessly helpful. No-one epitomised this smiling Italian demeanour more than our host at Crossing Condotti in Rome. The lovely Marco booked taxis and guides, suggested and booked dining options and pretty much ensured that our stay in Rome was totally […]

Helloooooo there – or should I say ‘ciao’! Just in case anyone is checking in at the moment – we are on the last leg of our month long trip to Italy, finishing off in the magical city of Venice. One more week to go and I will be heading home, notebook brimming with recipes […]

Spring Pasta with Basil Pesto, Peas and Pine Nuts

One of the difficulties with blogging food recipes from New Zealand is that lots and lots of my lovely bloggie followers are based in the northern hemisphere – so while I’m waxing lyrical about salads and ice cream you’re in the grip of winter, and just when my thoughts turn to hearty indulgent puddings and […]

For Easter: The Ultimate Dark Chocolate Cheesecake

OK, if you are worried about cholesterol levels, weight issues or sugar move right along because this is one beast of a dessert. I could literally feel my arteries closing up as I made it. That said – if you are still here, as you will see, it is fairly well the most incredible looking […]

Sunday Night Portobello Mushroom Soup with Gruyere & Onion Jam Toasties

 Well here is my latest post – originally intended to be some glorious celebratory feast of a recipe, and yet after a week of work and busy-ness behind me, all I could think of today is this soup. It is the antidote to frazzled nerves (actually it probably is with mushrooms’ purported anti-inflammatory properties, and […]