i need to go to the supermarket dinner for one

Happy New Yeeeeeeeeear!!!!! Welcome back for 2019, I hope your year has started as well as mine has…(more on that later), first up I thought we would ease into things very gently with something which is barely a recipe at all – simple smoked salmon with feta and ricotta whip. I originally put this together […]
Remember the last post I did when I was talking about serendipity, well I don’t know what’s up, but I have been experiencing it again all over the show (anyone else or is it just me?!). I popped into Smith & Caughey’s last week to work out what I would be featuring next – and given […]
Serves 4 Hungry? Can I make a suggestion for Sunday morning brunch (or easy dinner even) – eggs baked in a warming, spicy tomato sauce, rich and fragrant with the addition of salty feta and olives. To finish off the turkish toast fingers wrapped in crispy prosciutto made for dipping into the soft yellow yolks […]
with fried eggs & chilli, lime & coriander hot sauce
serves 1 Right now – as promised a post about my recent trip to cosmopolitan Melbourne, to see my darling Pog and the lovely Will. (Damn it, it is now already a week later, how does it happen that good times seem to fly so fast whilst crappy bits seem to drag on forever?!). I […]
…and coriander, lime mayo
…with soft goat cheese & lemon zest
L’il re-post of this recipe from October last year. My apologies but I have been so flat-out with the book and work, that things have been a bit quiet on the bloggie front lately. Counting down to final deadlines and then it will be back to business as usual 🙂 I can’t wait to […]
Goooood morning – and I hope that if you are in New Zealand, you are hunkered down somewhere safe and dry as we await the arrival of the ‘biggest storm in 50 years’. Bloody hell – not good timing with people travelling around the country to visit loved ones for Easter…so today’s recipe is my […]
Good Friday morning – woah that just made me think about Easter coming soon – where is this year going?!? Today’s recipe is one I put together for the lovely Dish magazine, and it’s an ideal super-easy autumn weekend baking project. The mini loaves (or you can make them as muffins) are moist and flavour […]
Happy New Year!!!!!!!! As you know I have been really looking forward to seeing the back end of last year, so I am bloody beside myself that it is finally 2017. Bring it on is all I have to say. I have a huge year planned with the publication of my first book here in […]
Just re-posting this little beauty from a while back…can’t help myself, it’s raining, I don’t want to get out of bed…wish it was Sunday morning! :)Feeling easy like Sunday morning, thanks Lionel Richie, and thanks yoga, which seems to have some kind of calmative effect on me so that when I finish, I can float […]
Morning all – for once, not from bed with my mug of tea (been there done that), it is 7:22am and I am tapping away at my keyboard in my office instead. Generally speaking I am not a fan of people who always arrive late, flapping about, gasping for air and talking about how busy […]