the ultimate lamb burger & rosewater rhubarb eton mess

Greetings from magnificent Waiheke! God I love being out here – it is worth every moment of frazzled, rushed preparation to make the last car ferry out with one vomitous and one fretful dog to arrive to a spectacularly clear, still evening, crackling fire, fresh fish and chips and a cheeky l’il glass of wine. […]

Easter slow roast lamb with rosemary, garlic, & vine tomatoes

 I feel a bit sheepish (l’il lamb joke) to be re-posting this again, but it is such a good Easter recipe it seems silly not to…hope everyone is enjoying a happy Easter 🙂 1 large whole leg of lamb, bone in, at least 2 kilos 8 sprigs rosemary 8 big garlic cloves, peeled juice of […]

super-green pizzas with zucchini, mozzarella, broccoli, watercress, rocket & avocado

I am sitting here in a wee satisfied glow having just finished a shoot for the Wine Friend company (such a good idea, they deliver wine that suits your taste so that you get introduced to new wines via their recommendations, without buying duds), and not only do I love the shots (hurrah!), but I […]

milk chocolate hazelnut mousses with plums & hazelnut cookies

Hello-lo as my sister would say! I’m tapping away, about to go and ‘put my face on’ and head off to mother-in-law’s sister’s wedding (as you do), and thought I should get this ready to post. Look at these lovely, luscious beauties!!! This is just my kind of dessert – creamy, smooth, milky Frangelico-spiked chocolate […]

welcome home soup

Yesterday Nick arrived back from Shanghai, tired and a little rumpled as usual – it’s a tough gig sometimes, zooming back and forwards between countries. Usually we have a ritual of softly scrambled eggs for dinner on his first night back (along with a catch up of whatever series we happen to be watching at […]

hot cross bun bread & butter pudding

Morning! This is a quick wee recipe that is also available in the Tuck In (gettit!?) selection over at the lovely Dish magazine. It may not look terribly exciting but is actually bloody delicious – the hot cross buns soak up all that custardy goodness so that the resulting pudding is soft and squishy with […]

the ultimate fish burger

Monday again already – I can’t believe it – where on earth did the weekend go? And not just Monday – it’s almost Easter!!! Before you know it we’ll be getting stuck into big slow-cooked stews and hearty soups, but before that happens, and while there is still just enough warmth to eat dinner outside, […]

the ultimate gourmet picnic roll

Good morning from my usual office (bed), currently in that desperate situation of having finished my first big mug of tea and wanting another,  but being unable to will myself from under the covers and back downstairs 🙂 OK – so this recipe is like ‘whaaaat?’ why is she giving me a recipe for a […]

valentine’s day chocolate frangelico hazelnut tarts & no-churn hazelnut ice cream

I can’t believe how the time has flown since we got back from overseas. I must admit I felt totally spaced out for a few days after Henry left – I think maybe I had been hanging on, keeping my sh*t together for him, then after he left I was just exhausted. Anyhoo – today […]

Chinese New Year pork & cabbage dumplings

Happy Saturday to you – not this time from bed (whaaat?!), but actually from my desk at home! As you willl know if you stop by regularly, Nick and I have just returned from an epic 14 day trip to Shanghai/Berlin/Amsterdam/Berlin/Shanghai and back home to Auckland. Phew! One of the absolute highlights of my stay […]