Lamb and Lentil Salad with Beetroot, Feta, Roasted Red Onion, Yoghurt Dressing and Dukkah

Hiya – this recipe has been in the back of my mind for ages now and I am so glad I have finally managed to make it! When you scroll down you might be a little bit freaked out at the list of ingredients, but I want to reassure you that it’s just lots of […]

Sesame Chicken, Avocado and Mandarin Salad

Labour weekend is here – woo hoo, that means we’re we’re heading out to Waiheke, but not before the final episode of Project Runway, with a big ole fingers crossed that New Zealander Sean Kelly wins. (And yes he did – such awesomeness!!!!!!) He attended the same university as my Henry in Massey, (and is […]

Banana (or Pumpkin) and Ricotta Hotcakes with Manuka Honey (or Maple) Butter and Bacon

As you will know if you read the words that go with my recipes (there aren’t many admittedly) recently we blatted down to Wellington to catch up with Henry (our 19-year-old design student at university) and to go to the World of Wearable Arts show. Seeing as Henry walks everywhere in Wellington (up to 12km […]

Hot Smoked Salmon, Asparagus and Poached Egg on Toasted Ciabatta

I am not even going to attempt a recipe with this – it’s just a no-brainer perfect combination for a  spring breakfast or lunch – toasted ciabatta slathered in aioli topped with steamed asparagus, hot smoked salmon and a poached egg. Lots of sea salt and freshly ground black pepper and some dill, and you’re […]

Vegetarian Pumpkin Brown Rice Balls with Hummus or Tamari

Isn’t it funny how you end up in the mood for such different foods at different times? If you’ve ever read my profile page you’ll know that I have been advised (probably quite correctly) that I should get an angle for my blog – baking or raw or vegetarian or whole foods or family dinners […]

Chocolate Hazelnut Gelato with Choconut Cones

Spring has finally sprung in Auckland – woo hooo! However as always when writing recipes for the blog I am hyper-aware that a goodly portion of my followers (is that too dorky to say ‘followers’ – it sounds very dorky indeed…anyone have an alternative…?) are experiencing autumn while we wait for the sun to come […]

Spicy Fish Tacos with Mexican Salsa Verde

OK so before getting into the recipe let me make this very clear (can you tell there has been an election campaign going on in New Zealand…I think it has infiltrated my brain!) I am not Mexican, have never been to Mexico (alas) and am clearly no expert on Mexican food. However – I love […]

Coconut & Lime Panna Cotta with white chocolate, fresh passionfruit and toasted coconut

I love desserts (hello – check out the recipe index – blushing!) and love to finish off a meal with a little sweet treat, but when the weather is warm I don’t want something heavy and rich. This panna cotta is outrageously light (even lighter than I expected!), the coconut milk has an earthy coconut […]

Cauliflower Soup with Blue Cheese and Walnut Toasts

 Well I don’t know what the weather is like for you outside your window this morning, but outside mine it is raining, windy, cold and miserable – yay! I love it…it gives me the perfect excuse to make this soup again (featured in a recent issue of Dish magazine) and even though I love the […]